One side effect of buying pins is that sooner or later you have to watch the film to see if you are missing anything. Luckily I've never bought a Shadow so don't know how bad that is. **** me Demo Man is a dreadful film

I'm assuming it is meant to be a comedy but who knows....
Congo - great book, bad film
Can only assume JPLW is better than the film (Whereas both JP and the film are great)
Flintstones has to be one of the worst films of all time.
With the Starwars films it was virtually impossible to go to the cinema as a kid, so probably only did it once every few years and as such probably never got bitten by the bug. For example I've never ever seen goonies all the way through either (which I suspect is a good thing). Even now I don't really do the film thing in cinemas. End up going to the kids clubs one with my little ones but paying £10+ a ticket for a crap film where people talk over it isn't my idea of fun (and then factor in another £40 for a babysitter). Managed not to see any films in a cinema between the Blair Witch Project and Terminator 3. (and both of those also sucked)
Harry Potter? Never understood the fuss
Need for speed 234535? Never seen any of them.
Weirdly though I'm not adverse to a RomCom.

Bring on the Drew Barrymore pin and I'll buy it.