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Bad film = good pin.... article

Not seen the goonies WTF!! That's gonna bug me all day

erm, I.... nope doesnt matter.

I haven't seen a load of 'classic' movies even though I watch at least 2 movies a week. Havent seen The wizard of Oz, ET (done the ride though) Shawshank redemption, Green mile, Chitty chitty bang bang, Sound of Music, Grease, Dirty dancing etc etc
No way dude, Return of the Jedi is a great film :) It's just because it came after Empire which is one of the greatest films of all time that it's seen as not that good! Temple of Doom had the same problem, great film but came after Raiders which is a masterpiece :thumbs:
It is mainly good, but ewoks and the camp dancing ghosts at the end let it down a bit.

Actually Phantom Menace isn't that bad either, but the hype and expectation for this was massive. Same thing will happen with episode 7 if it's not awesome.
One side effect of buying pins is that sooner or later you have to watch the film to see if you are missing anything. Luckily I've never bought a Shadow so don't know how bad that is. **** me Demo Man is a dreadful film:eek: I'm assuming it is meant to be a comedy but who knows....

Congo - great book, bad film:(

Can only assume JPLW is better than the film (Whereas both JP and the film are great)

Flintstones has to be one of the worst films of all time.

With the Starwars films it was virtually impossible to go to the cinema as a kid, so probably only did it once every few years and as such probably never got bitten by the bug. For example I've never ever seen goonies all the way through either (which I suspect is a good thing). Even now I don't really do the film thing in cinemas. End up going to the kids clubs one with my little ones but paying £10+ a ticket for a crap film where people talk over it isn't my idea of fun (and then factor in another £40 for a babysitter). Managed not to see any films in a cinema between the Blair Witch Project and Terminator 3. (and both of those also sucked)

Harry Potter? Never understood the fuss:p

Need for speed 234535? Never seen any of them.

Weirdly though I'm not adverse to a RomCom.:confused: Bring on the Drew Barrymore pin and I'll buy it.

Demo Man...
The Goonies...!! (come on man!!)
Harry Potter.... (now my anger is building)



I hear you on the paying to see a film and having people talk over it thing. It's rarely an issue at good cinemas though. I think most people, in our times of streaming and downloads, would agree that going out and paying to see a film is something only for those who really love films. So they expect a near perfect environment. The casual 'can't be ****d with this' types of people don't bother now. They can get their crappy 240p quality Michael Bay movies on Netflix.

I can remember going to see Taken a few years ago, halfway through the film I stood up and shouted at 2 blokes who kept talking and making loads of noise. I got a round of applause and cheers from everyone in the room. That was quite something. Not a peep came out of those 2 after that. :D
This is the sort of article that's instantly divisive. It's basically a Top/Bottom/Best/Worst list based on the authors opinion. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion but this is no more meaningful or informative than My Top 5 Favourite Jelly Tot Flavours.

That aside, my opinions are:

1. GODZILLA Neither seen the film or played the pin.
2. BARB WIRE Terrible film and terrible pin.
3. THE SHADOW Somehow not seen the film. The pin is stupid difficult which I take as a challenge.
4. CONGO Excellent pin, okay film.
5. DEMOLITION MAN Cheesy but enjoyable film (I'd watch it if again if I flicked past it on TV) and the pin is good too. Very eye catching design and cool pistol grips!
6. STARGATE The film is definitely good, TV series just awful. Not played the pin.
7. FLINTSTONES Pretty dire movie, pin okay... ish.
8. TERMINATOR 3 The film had an awful lot to live up to but it grew on me steadily (in fact, I might watch it again tonight!). I didn't like the pin much, in total contrast to T2 which I think is awesome.
9. LOST IN SPACE Really like the film; enjoyable Sunday afternoon family favourite. Pin a bit take it or leave it.
10. TRON: LEGACY Awesome film. I'm biased. Big TRON fan. Saw it on release day at IMAX. The pin is just about the only modern game that I rave about.
11. JOHNNY MNEMONIC Film kind of hard going but a staple for die-hard sci-fi fans. I think I've only played Ad Jonker's MATRIX conversion which was very tasty!
There is absolutely zero relationship between the quality of a film and the quality of a pinball that shares its name.

End of
Same with computer games in the 80s & 90s.

Big name movie, bound to sell loads of games, no point putting any effort in (huge generalisation)
Got me thinking about which other "classic" movies I've never seen.

Better fess up to :-

Citizen Caine
Gone with the Wind
Anything with Jackie Chan in it
Superman - come to think of it I've pretty much managed to miss any superhero film apart from Spiderman and the last lot of Batman movies. Really avoided the 90s Batman movies due to an intense hatred of the camp 60s/70s TV series
Only saw Flash Gordon a couple of years ago. ****ing hell that's got some serious man on man overtones for a kids movie, kind of like brokeback mountain in space (Oops that's another movie I've somehow managed to miss).
Schindler's List
Didn't get to see any Pixar movie until I had kids. Really missed out there, Monsters Inc is fantastic.

Never saw the Muppet show until I was in my 20s. I assume it was on ITV when we were kids which was a banned channel in my house. If it wasn't on BBC then we didn't watch it, which ironically means my parents though Jim'll Fix It was more suitable for a child than a frog with blokes hand shoved up his ****..

Something's I do have to thank my parents for as I never ever saw an episode of Dallas/Dynasty/Coronation St etc. However, I'm still bitter that I was 18 before I discovered the "old Grey Whistle Test" wasn't actually a program about Sheep Dogs. Come to think about it I did seem to have to sit through lots of programs like "one man and his dog" - try making a pin out of that theme;)
Got me thinking about which other "classic" movies I've never seen.

Better fess up to :-

Citizen Caine
Gone with the Wind
Anything with Jackie Chan in it
Superman - come to think of it I've pretty much managed to miss any superhero film apart from Spiderman and the last lot of Batman movies. Really avoided the 90s Batman movies due to an intense hatred of the camp 60s/70s TV series
Only saw Flash Gordon a couple of years ago. ****ing hell that's got some serious man on man overtones for a kids movie, kind of like brokeback mountain in space (Oops that's another movie I've somehow managed to miss).
Schindler's List
Didn't get to see any Pixar movie until I had kids. Really missed out there, Monsters Inc is fantastic.

Never saw the Muppet show until I was in my 20s. I assume it was on ITV when we were kids which was a banned channel in my house. If it wasn't on BBC then we didn't watch it, which ironically means my parents though Jim'll Fix It was more suitable for a child than a frog with blokes hand shoved up his ****..

Something's I do have to thank my parents for as I never ever saw an episode of Dallas/Dynasty/Coronation St etc. However, I'm still bitter that I was 18 before I discovered the "old Grey Whistle Test" wasn't actually a program about Sheep Dogs. Come to think about it I did seem to have to sit through lots of programs like "one man and his dog" - try making a pin out of that theme;)

Perhaps it might be easier to start compiliing a list of movies you have actually seen? :p
Maybe I had a deprived childhood. Still never eaten in a McDonalds either....

Maybe. :)

I ban ITV from myself, only football permitted and if visiting anywhere I don't have a choice, but I am really interested in why your parents would ban it? Adverts? Coronation street? Gashdale?
We weren't allowed to watch Tiswas - it was Noel Edmonds and Posh Paws every Saturday morning in our house. I think Tiswas was a little out there for my folks!
Come to think about it I did seem to have to sit through lots of programs like "one man and his dog"

Ah I get it now, your old dear gave birth to you @ 69 yr old.
I assume it was on ITV when we were kids which was a banned channel in my house.
My wife wasn't allowed to watch ITV when she was a kid. Her mother didn't want her seeing any adverts for toys. Ironically she was allowed to watch An American Werewold In London when it premièred on British television but a blanket was draped over the screen during any "naughty" scenes. Graphic super-natural violence however was enjoyed uncensored. o_O
Hard to say why ITV was banned, it just was. Up there with phones are clearly for emergencies only and not for being used. Think it was some weird 70s thing, Generally TV wasn't a big thing in the house when I was growing up. The idea of TV in the morning just never happened - never saw Swap Shop or Tiswaz. Maybe it was meant to make their kids study harder if they only allowed us quality TV. Worked in my sisters case, not in mine. She's not got a TV to this day so when her kids visit us from OZ it must be a going into a weird world of TVs/PCs and Pins:)

Other great things I learnt form my parents:

1)If you ever see a bird missing it's feet/leg it's a result of a cold winter and they froze to the branches and ripped their feet off when trying to flap away. (In my heart of hearts I still believe this, and yes, I have told the same lie to my kids)
2) If you find your grandparents cat frozen to death one winter the correct thing to do isn't to bury it or chuck it in bin. No , you need to try and have a bonfire in the back garden (ignore the snow and ice). Three hours later when you are leaving you will then have a badly singed half defrosted dead cat to take with you which isn't as easy to dispose of as you would imagine....
3) Raspberry fool is clearly the same thing as raspberries with a bit of cold custard stuck on top. Oh, hold on. We don't have any raspberries oh well these gooseberries will go down as well with the kids. Leaving home was a revelation...

See with family games like that who needed TV:eek:
Hard to say why ITV was banned, it just was. Up there with phones are clearly for emergencies only

Similar in my house. I now put it down to getting value for money, ie the BBC TV license and cost of phone calls. For the latter though it's funny you can use that now as an excuse when you don't phone home!
another heathen here from a posh background where ITV was banned - i think my dad thought it was 'lowbrow' or something, the twat. so i never saw Swap Shop either or Tiswas or any of that, i was stuck with Blue Peter and John Craven's Newsround. the greatest treat was when my dad was late home from work and me and my sister would watch the Kenny Everett show. we got caught once and made to turn it off for the pop music........ strange parenting i agree, the idea that disallowing a child to do something would stop them doing it, and make the child like the parent. barmy if you ask me....

i saw Star Wars 1 and 2 i think but not the ewoks or anything with Jarjar or the red face dude with the sticks. enjoyed Indy 1-3 but was irritated by the little Chinese kid, liked Romancing the Jewel in the Nile Stone. i agree with you John that all the Harry Potter films were awful, as was need for speed. and i also love Kindergarten Cop and Twins and those cheesy Arnie comedies.

as for Goonies - well, i tried this Christmas holiday gone, egged on by @SOUTH COAST SLAM i made it to 38 minutes and it was absolutely ****ing terrible. never again.
What's wrong with the Goonies?

Loved this film when it came out, now when I watch it I think that looks like a really nice place to live :)

.truffle shuffle.gif
as for Goonies - well, i tried this Christmas holiday gone, egged on by @SOUTH COAST SLAM i made it to 38 minutes and it was absolutely ****ing terrible. never again.[/QUOTE]

Can't stand Goonies.mthe whole script consists of the words "Hey Guys!, come here"

Really fooking annoying American Whiney kids.... Unbearable film

ITV is **** also, tho from a working class east end family. so ****e like blind date, emmerdale and coronation street has scarred me for life. It's only good for champions league football!

Back to original point - since when has demolition man been a bad film?
Not liking the Goonies should be a criminal offence lol

As for demo man. Good film. Great pin

As a star wars fanatic l own an episode 1 but admit both the game and film are pants. Best part of the film is the podracing scene so glad I have the Sega racing game based on that
Maybe I had a deprived childhood. Still never eaten in a McDonalds either....
i successfully ignored McDonalds for well over 20yrs until 2009 when we need free internet in Australia. Then 4yrs off again before becoming rather partial to those fish finger burgers what they do in there. Acceptable. They still baffle me when they ask what drink i want though - not just Sprite, Coke and Fanta these days!
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