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Avatar by Jersey Jack Pinball

Now this interesting, if Avatar is going to be JJP's next game, I'm intrigued to know who is on design.

Jack did say that he had three titles lined up. Does this mean Eric Meunier is doing this one and SR is on the next?
Why do they make games with old Stern themes. First it was Pirates of the Caribbean and now this….
I'm bang up for Harry Potter so may wait for that title.

The Avatar films are okay and that Pandora world is gorgeous looking so I'm sure this will be a stunner. I don't love the theme enough but obviously I'd have to see and play it first.

This might tip the balance and convince me to get Popadiuk's Alice from Dutch.

It's pinball though . . . decisions can change pretty quickly 😂
My kids would be begging me to buy a Last Airbender pin- if Stern and JJP want to increase global sales they need to look at a wider range of IPs that are popular in the US but also in Asia like Pokémon etc
I’m disappointed that it’s not the Matrix or Harry Potter- maybe they’re next and this was one of those contracts where they had to make the game by a certain deadline otherwise they’d lose their license ie, what happened with TS4
I’m disappointed that it’s not the Matrix or Harry Potter- maybe they’re next and this was one of those contracts where they had to make the game by a certain deadline otherwise they’d lose their license ie, what happened with TS4
Someone definitely has the Harry Potter licence. David Fix confirmed it at his talk (it's not American Pinball, but another manufacturer).

I'm not sure why JJP want to associate themselves with Stern's Avatar. Just thinking about the thrills, drama and excitement of "backhand mech suit, backhand link shot... ZZZZzzzzzz" makes me break out into a cold sweat 😰
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Someone definitely has the Harry Potter licence. David Fix confirmed it at his talk (it's not American Pinball, but another manufacturer).

Yes, I’ve heard that JJP have secured it - with the additional twist that Stern could have had it but turned it down. Ditto BTTF which went to Dutch.
Yes, I’ve heard that JJP have secured it - with the additional twist that Stern could have had it but turned it down. Ditto BTTF which went to Dutch.
I wonder when they're coming out, then...? I think we'd all assumed there'd be a flurry of rockstar releases all at the same time - Harry Potter, Alice, BTTF...
Someone definitely has the Harry Potter licence. David Fix confirmed it at his talk (it's not American Pinball, but another manufacturer).

I'm not sure why JJP want to associate themselves with Stern's Avatar. Just thinking about the thrills, drama and excitement of "backhand mech suit, backhand link shot... ZZZZzzzzzz" makes me break out into a cold sweat 😰
But who has Sonic? David Fix also said they almost got it but it was snatched away...Stern?
Their choice to not finish code is far more strange than their theme choices.

Fair. What’s even stranger is that they push fairly frequent code updates if you opt in to the beta programs but very few public releases.

Using Pirates as an example, version 0.99 was released in April 2019 then nothing until 0.991 in May 2024. I was running beta code with most of the changes from 0.991 in the first half of 2020!

Then again Pirates code still isn’t finished so your point stands.
Theme is a turn off for me. However, it's a JJP so it'll look amazing. if there's a game that's good behind it, cool.... but am I excited? nope. FAR more excited for the game I wont be able to get or afford (Alice)
the Stern was pretty with its 3D translite. And the second hardest Stern to sell on (after Big Buck Hunter)
I think ive reached the level in my pinball hobbyism where any new reveal is gonna get me scratching my balls in anticipation.
& here we are...
Avatar reveal!!! Bring it on 🥶 (designed to be one of the blue character things)
We will have to wait and see - I have had dream themes made (Zeppelin, Rush. Queen) and when the machine arrives it leaves me less than impressed.

I think the previously mentioned 3 games have the worse art on a pinball for years.

Out of new pins for me in the last 2 years the only ones I really like are Pulp Fiction and GTF.
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