New code!!
V0.85.0 - Jan. 4, 2018
- Added SHAME mode:
- 2 ball multiball.
- GADGET and TV targets lit (two GADGET, one TV).
- Pop bumpers cycle lit targets.
- All switches score and add to the target values.
- Once 4 targets are made, two shots are lit, one on the left side
and one on the right side; each shot scores the target value.
- Seven shots (adjustable) to complete the mode; multiball does not
- Added MAD HATTER mode:
- Two shots lit (random).
- Every 10 seconds (adjustable), if a shot is not made, a new shot
is added.
- Complete all shots in this stage to advance to the next stage.
- Fixed an issue where the small TVs for channel changing would possibly
not appear on ball 2 or later in a multi-player game for some players.
- Fixed an issue where the static on the small TVs for channel changing
would possibly run indefinitely.
- Re-balanced some sounds and speech.
- Changed some minor villain video clips in attract mode to remove
talking with no speech.
- Removed the ability (via adjustments) to stack lighting the jackpot
shot for the EGGHEAD mode. The jackpot can be lit one time only.
- Reworked small TV art:
- Increased spacing between small TVs.
- Increased visibility of timers.
- Static layer moved to cover text layer so text will not show on
top of static.
- Added high scores for MAD HATTER, and SHAME modes.
- Stern logo rendered over city-scape background so pricing and credits
can be seen.
- Fixed an issue with the Villain Escape where the gadget would not award
a CRANE shot if only CRANE shots were available.
- Added adjustments to carry over the GADGET and TV targets (default: YES).
- Changed flipper blowoff for mystery such that it instantly displays the
mystery award.
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