I chop down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory
I chop down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory
As someone whom has a Full Throttle on site, I haven't had any more issues than with any other new game. Perhaps I have been fortunate, or Phil unlucky but the only real issue has been the playfield screen connection failing. I reported the problem and got a replacement. Other than that, it's been a fun game, used in various league's and still is the most striking game in the bar.
I think it's the age old case that people don't generally post about positive experiences.
I work in an IT Department and we only ever hear bad news; it's rare for anyone to call us with praise or to give positive feedback. But yeah, it's great to hear of Matts positive experience.
Had 2 games on it at EAG, and even with incomplete software / features.... This felt potentially a great gameInitial impressions make me want to sell everything to buy one. Looks very good indeed.
what caused the fuse to blow on the webcast?
Stern shipped lotr with a 3A fuse for the ring magnet then advised upping it to 5A after regular issues so you're not alone there mate!It had 700 plays on it last night. The 6A fuse for the IO board with 3 flippers, 2 slings and the trough upkicker blew once last night. It may require a 7A fuse on it, but we will evaluate that before making the change.
It had 700 plays on it last night. The 6A fuse for the IO board with 3 flippers, 2 slings and the trough upkicker blew once last night. It may require a 7A fuse on it, but we will evaluate that before making the change.
Surely 700 plays in a night isn't possible ??
You mean its had 700 plays on it up to last night ??