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dont care if its next year still want one, best pin i have seen in ages, . although i like Aerosmith too, great to have choices
Were any for sale? Everyone wants one now. I'd buy one too if I saw one for sale but I know of a dozen others who'd say the same.
All games up and running again, thanks for keeping me informed. Current line up is AC/DC Premium, Big Buck Hunter, Funhouse and Alien.
Sort of OT... Anyone know if there is, or will be soon, an Alien anywhere in Switzerland? Right now, it's the machine I'm most keen on checking out.
This may be of interest to those who are waiting for Alien, from Heighway.

"Thank you to those who have emailed me to let me know about the latest comments on Pinside.

There has been a lack of communication on our side because a lot is going on behind the scenes - and we are hoping to make a significant announcement within days.

We apologise for this lack of communication but everything will become clear shortly.

You should know that there are some Pinsiders here with ulterior motives - with an interest in bringing our company down.

We would ask for a little more patience please, until our announcement is made.

Thanks for reading."
"You should know that there are some Pinsiders here with ulterior motives - with an interest in bringing our company down"

This strikes me as the saddest part of all this. Not excusing the lateness of the machines which should be better than it is but it's surely difficult enough making machines without the usual Pinside rabble having to have their voices heard. I'd love an Alien someday as its such a fun machine to play and so many great things about it. Sadly some cannot get through the day without p1ssing in other peoples chips
Yep, always seems to be the case.... False promises haven't helped him but Alien is simply a great game, having played it again and got some better understanding of it. Hoping he pulls things out of the bag, gets 'em out and people calm themselves down.
There's issues from both sides tbf.

Andy definitively stated that he would be rolling out 100 games a month at this point. Instead they are sending out one off games here and there with major parts missing. No xeno heads, no fibre optic lighting etc.

That said, the bitching on pinside is pushing this towards another predator situation. Andy no doubt has a lot of money tied up in this and people chucking a load of Paypal claims at him isn't going to help.

I genuinely hope he pulls it out of the bag and gets 1000 of these games built and shipped
No Internet forum should sway a companies direction either way. I was once quite heavily invested in an oil company some years back and they said the same thing, trolls on iii.co.uk had caused the share price to fall. Turned out it was the director blatantly lying on the rns reports.

Even if there was a run on the PayPal deposits this money shouldn't affect the companies liquidity in any shape or form.
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