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Alien Playfield Art

I don't think you can judge a playfield by the art alone. It has to integrate with everything that's fixed to it. If you know what I mean......
Hi everyone.

Happy New Year to all UK Pinball folk.

It has been a while since I posted here.

To give you all an exclusive update on Alien - we are expecting to have the first 5 printed/lacquered Alien playfields within 1.5 weeks. They are already partially cut. Three will go to developers and one will be built up for Texas - where we hope to debut the game.

We have hired more people and are working flat out on Alien. Some modes are now fully programmed - complete with music, sound effects, movie clips and animations.

We have been testing many mechanisms and are making significant progress on all fronts.

Awesome news!! Just wondering....with the video clips...will there be an '18' rated version and a toned down version thats kiddie friendly?

I'm not really bothered to be honest - the gorier the better with the film clips! :)
I'm in 2 minds about buying this I really like the theme but can't make my mind up I wanna see a completed game to see how it plays
I'm in 2 minds about buying this I really like the theme but can't make my mind up I wanna see a completed game to see how it plays

I was until UKPP last year. After playing Full Throttle a lot and seeing Andy's passion for the alien theme changed my mind.
I think I'm going to go for le did they give you a number for machine I think I'm going to leave it blank and let them give me a number
There was also a brief view of the egg pop bumpers. I assume they'll be lit and glowing. Difficult to see how they'll look from the video.

Area above the 2x and above the pf screen is still too much Red Dwarf style for me. Looks out of place and too crowded.

Clearcoat and colours look great though.
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