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Afterglow GI - AGGI for short - Bulk order

Would it be worth uploading these files to the repository?

The boards were designed in KiCAD. I'm sure there's a way to create the files there directly.
Thanks, that's one hurdle resolved.

Production is 26 days from now.

I DO hope that personal shipments to UK will not be affected by Brexit...
Today I finally got around implementing the voltage measurement in the Arduino firmware. Now the input voltage, either coming from the direct DC input or from the AC converter block, is measured. The duty cycling of the LEDs is then adjusted accordingly. In theory this should result in input voltage independent brightness. Note that I have hardcoded a valid range from 8V to 15V in order to identify bad measurements.

In my test I have seen the AC/DC converter producing around 10.7V DC from the 6.3VAC on J115.
Isn't there a typo in the statement "In theory this should result in input voltage independent brightness." ? I would have thought that precisely voltage measurement would allow for brightness control based on input voltage, hence "input voltage dependent brightness", or am I missing something ?
Sorry if that was unclear. What I meant is that you should achieve the same (or at least similar) GI brightness from 9V input as from 12V input.
Blank PCB manufacturing is complete.

I just received a request for info from PCBWay. Given that I've not assembled yet an Afterglow GI, would welcome some help:

> 1.Centroid file, see attached coordinate file for reference (you already offered,no need send again)
> 2.Assembly Instruction Drawing- display the polarity of Diode , Audion,LED, pls use “+””-”; display the orientation of IC, eg, dot for IC”s Pin1. see attached components position file for reference
> 3.3D map file-display the THT parts’location and orientation
> 4.Assembled real picture if you ever made, it will be the best reference.

On 2/ I can probably find out using the layout file
On 3/ I must say I'm unsure
On 4/ , anyone who built an AGGI (latest PCB) could provide a picture ?

Blank PCB manufacturing is complete.

I just received a request for info from PCBWay. Given that I've not assembled yet an Afterglow GI, would welcome some help:

> 1.Centroid file, see attached coordinate file for reference (you already offered,no need send again)
> 2.Assembly Instruction Drawing- display the polarity of Diode , Audion,LED, pls use “+””-”; display the orientation of IC, eg, dot for IC”s Pin1. see attached components position file for reference
> 3.3D map file-display the THT parts’location and orientation
> 4.Assembled real picture if you ever made, it will be the best reference.

On 2/ I can probably find out using the layout file
On 3/ I must say I'm unsure
On 4/ , anyone who built an AGGI (latest PCB) could provide a picture ?


I can certainly help with 4 mate will send myself a reminder and try to get it done tomorrow
Thanks !

Can you clarify what you mean by "bad C4 capacitor placement" ? I don't have the full history on that design. I see indeed there is a hole where C4 should be located...
On one of the earlier iterations the C4 was accidentally placed over an underside trace, creating a short. The placement has been fixed on the version you are using.
On one of the earlier iterations the C4 was accidentally placed over an underside trace, creating a short. The placement has been fixed on the version you are using.


Also, I notice that pins have been removed on the connectors. This might be a problem to ensure this is done at PCBWay, is this absolutely required (ie are they keys in the corresponding cable connectors) ?

Also, I notice that pins have been removed on the connectors. This might be a problem to ensure this is done at PCBWay, is this absolutely required (ie are they keys in the corresponding cable connectors) ?

It's necessary for the wpc GI cables (they are keyed) but easy to do yourself with a pair of snips once they arrive. Just get yourself a rubber thimble so they don't ping up into your eye!
OK, so for the purpose of the PCBWay build, I will leave this as is, and then people can cut them appropriately upon arrival.
@Ashram56 if it doesn't screw things up for you, I would like to remove myself from the AGGI list.

I originally wanted to be on the list to save on costs, but it seems the AGGI isn't much of a cost savings when compared to the savings on an Afterglow. At least for me in Canada.

The Afterglow, even with currency conversion and taxes added is still a $100CAD saving when compared to the LED OCD. The savings are a result of the Afterglow not coming with the mini-breakdown board, and additional cabling.

The AGGI, is a $60 savings when compared to the LED GI, but it still requires a Nano, and cabling, making the cost about even for me (before shipping).

Please let me know if it's too late to pull out. I don't want to be that guy so if this makes things difficult for you I want to know.
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@Ashram56 if it doesn't screw things up for you, I would like to remove myself from the AGGI list.

I originally wanted to be on the list to save on costs, but it seems the AGGI isn't much of a cost savings when compared to the savings on an Afterglow. At least for me in Canada.

The Afterglow, even with currency conversion and taxes added is still a $100CAD saving when compared to the LED OCD. The savings are a result of the Afterglow not coming with the mini-breakdown board, and additional cabling.

The AGGI, is a $60 savings when compared to the LED GI, but it still requires a Nano, and cabling, making the cost about even for me (before shipping).

Please let me know if it's too late to pull out. I don't want to be that guy so if this makes things difficult for you I want to know.

That's fine, I understand perfectly.

For me it's the reverse, importing a ledocd costs a fortune (I ended up paying $200 for one unit), because of the insanely high shipping cost of Comet, plus tax.
And @stumblor volunteered to take your unit anyway :-)
Quick update: I received some questions from PCBWay, which is delaying assembly (primarily issues related to component mismatch vs footprint). So assembly will likely be slightly delayed, and so will delivery.
For UK folks, it won't be in before Brexit :-) (joke aside, if anyone in UK can check what it will take to minimize risks and package loss, that would be good)

Sidenote: I had the unpleasant surprise of receiving a nice tax invoice for my previous PCBWay build (more than one month after delivery)... That's a 20% adder. Looks like I should avoid using Fedex, which charges automatically after the arrival of the goods
Apologies for my lack of update, end of last year was hectic.

I finally was able to complete the BOM and adjust it, and provide it to PCBWay. Waiting on their feedback.

Quick update: additional component sourcing is in progress, I hope to get a proto build feedback from PCBWay within a week
Another update: I received the pictures of the proto assembly, once I give the greenlight it's usually one week (provided they can build before Chinese New Year) for assembly, then shipment.

There will be a tax adder, all of my previous PCBWay builds have been taxed, so no reason this one won't be. It's a 20% adder unfortunately.

In order to plan for shipment, can you please send me in MP your contact information, including email and phone number so I can prepare shipping
Alternatively, for those in UK, I was thinking of sending to a central location in UK (@stumblor maybe), that might be cheaper than sending one to one shipments, plus it would save on paperwork because of Brexit (lovely paperwork, we french are experts at creating unecessary hurdles - although truth be told it's probably a EU thing), but I'll check on prices first

With that, here is the updated list:

@stumblor 4 units (includes @Fifty units)
@Andypc 2 units
@Fifty 0 units => 2 units transferred over to @stumblor
@MajesticPinball 2 units
@broomstick 2 units
@David_Vi 2 units
@Paul 2 units
@biglouieuk 1 unit (please confirm ?)

Current price per unit (after adjustment on BOM): 72 dollars, + tax (20%), +shipping
Still cheaper than a GI OCD, but more expensive than regular Afterglow

Don't forget to order your ribbon cable and connectors, as well as an Arduino Nano

Just checked on pricing: in average is 20 euros per unit (depending on the freighter), up to 1kg, so there's definitely an interest of a common shipment to @stumblor, provided UK-UK cost is attractive enough. Will look further into this once I receive land adresses
UK-UK can be done for 2.90 with no tracking or circa 6 quid with tracking. If I use old amazon boxes and not my posh ones 😉
So if I assume that all interested person are in UK, that's 15 units total, hence an shipping price per unit if stumblor acts as the central hub of about 5 euros.

If I ship direct it's 20 euros per shipment (unless I can find a cheaper option)
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