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Afterglow Board in Congo.

Toxteth O'Grady

Site Supporter
Feb 19, 2017
West Sussex
Ok Chums,

After receiving my Afterglow boards I set about putting them into my Congo and as much as I looked I could not find any documentation about putting one into a WPC-95 machine.
A leap of faith was required and after much faffing about I now have it working. During the process while lifting the playfield I managed to break a wire from the Travi com targets which resulted in balls being fired from the volcano randomly along with slingshots and switches not working, all of which I blamed on the Afterglow board.
Eventually I have ended up with the setup shown in the pictures below.

.240ED14D-0BBD-485D-A75F-A7632E0355F5.jpeg 277586B3-65FE-4FE9-973A-9E44146B261F.jpeg

J125, J126, J122 And J123 all have blocked holes in the connectors so for now I have bent the pins over to allow the connectors to engage.
The other side is much simpler using Paul’s fantastic cables, just make sure you get them the right way round.
The board came with a power cable and a crock clip on the red cable, I have added one to the black cable to enable it to be earthed on the board so; Power to TP102 - Lamp Matrix; Ground to TP107 GND. See below.


The board only seems to work with dipswitch 1 and 2 down and 3 and 4 up.

At the moment this is still work in progress as I haven’t used the Afterglow software to play with the settings but the default effect I’m getting at the moment is 100% better than the on off of led’s on their own. I will add a few before and after videos if I can figure out how.

I hope this will help others to try these boards in as yet untested machines, I’m determined to do my CV tonight so I’ll let you know how that goes.
Aww crap.. didnt think of using the SIMPLE ground on the TP... Just assumed it would have made sense to take from where the guide said on the top connector.. Sorry chaps :(

Nice to know the cables worked though @Toxteth O'Grady - that means the others will too as they were all made the same :)
I know its practical for a lot of people to clip on the crocs and plug in. :)
It's just a shame they didnt power up he same way as the ocdled thingy
Glad this is working out for buyers - I’d find it very hard to remove the OCD board from Congo.

They difference is so obvious.
So, I have just spent the best part of an hour putting an afterglow board into my CV and what a difference. After doing the Congo Install this was a lot easier but still with a few pitfalls to look out for.
I have labelled the sockets as per Congo and once again some pins have had to be bent over to enable the plugs from the machine to locate onto the Afterglow board.


This image shows the location of the plugs on the board. Once again Paul’s cables worked first time and were easily long enough.
The photograph shows the board not in situ as it needed to be located quite a way back to enable the backbox to fit in front of it.
Power to TP102, ground to TP107. I’m hoping someone who is cleverer than me can work out where to take power from so I can fit a hard wired 2 way plug to the Afterglow board, it would make me feel a lot better.


After all this I made some standoffs and mounted the board as far back as I could under the main board.
Once again this is work in progresses I haven’t had time to load software and play with settings but the difference using the default settings is amazing.
In my view GI is the biggest issue in pins - Moreso than Computer controlled.

Computer controlled can in some cases be patched in the Rom to improve...
GI is always going to be an issue as it's 6.3V AC so by its very nature will flicker... and unable to be patched...

Will deffo look to pick up a few of these!
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