Here is a quick review and first impressions of Aerosmith Pro.
Had this less than a week and put 50 plays on it. Really enjoying it.
I'm not an Aerosmith fan, but I don't dislike them either and the music is starting to grow on me, same way I feel about Metallica. I do find myself tapping my feet along to the music.
Dirty Donny artwork on the playfield, cabinet and backglass looks great and the screen is a big improvement over DMD.
Lighting is great and you could play it in a pitch black room if you wanted.
I won't go too much in to the code but it seems adequate at worst, and nothing glaringly missing. It is early in its life so maybe a few code updates to come, but wouldn't be a disaster if there wasn't.
Shots in general feel good. The right ramp is tight but perfectly shootable, and who wants all the shots to be easy anyway. I have managed to hit it from the right flipper too. It has a proper skill shot that isn't easy, but very rewarding when you get it as it drops the ball into the Toybox lock.
The Toybox ball lock has a satisfying thunk when you hit it. Would be nice if you could hit it directly from the right flipper. I did manage it once but seems nigh on impossible. Not a big deal as it just means you have to be more creative rebounding off other targets to get it, or get the ball back to the left flipper.
Shots to Toybox work 80-90% of the time I'd say. It was either a stupid or brave move by Stern as when you see the size of the gap in person it is quite a distance to be accurately and regularly shooting it. Seems an adequate level of tolerance in my eyes as when you see it shooting the ball you would think it should miss more often. Will it get better/worse over time as the coil ages, who knows.
I know Stern has been getting a bashing recently with cabinet and playfield issues, but everything seems fine and no complaints about the quality of the playfield, cabinet, or anything else from me. There does appear to be an imperfection (see picture) around the Toybox lock, but I've had a close look and feel and the clear coat still seems to be intact so maybe it wasn't perfect underneath before they added the clearcoat. Not a big deal but something to keep an eye on.
Out of the three I own this is definitely the lightest and easy to slide around, even when sitting on a bar stool which is how I play now.
I've put purple superbands on it and am going to get the inner side art blades to finish it off. Other than that there isn't anything else I'd want to add, though a light inside the Toybox would look nice.
All in all I'm really pleased I picked this up and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone. It is great fun and difficult to walk away from without having one more game.
Will I stop reaching underneath the machine rather than underneath the backbox to power it off/on, time will tell...