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Adams family uncle fester


Site Supporter
10 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Barnstaple, Devon
Hypothetically speaking what would be everyone’s dream uncle fester mod to sit on his electric chair? Feel free to post pics and ideas
It looks better in the chair the other ones are very odd looking!7885778858
There is only 1 other one that I know of. But my post wasn’t what is already out there it was what would people actually like
Just updated my post! Added pictures
We’d like to see you do a great one! ?
That’s why I need people’s input [emoji6] I know a sculptor was gonna see how much he’d charge to sculpt one if there was enough interest and if he’s not to expensive. But to even do that I need interest, pics and peoples ideas
What about one that emphasis he’s sat in an electric chair? Maybe a chair mod with fester in it? Couple of photos below I like the look of the fibre optics to look like sparks? Could this be rigged with mypinballs black out mod so the whole pinball goes black but fester gets electrocuted?
Hmm the fibre optics anyone could add them you only need a few strands attached to a led. But him sculpted into the chair with more details sculpted onto the chair could be a start
I bought this one recently:

Similar to the second one in Tony's earlier post, except I bought it from the guy who handcrafts them rather than the ripoff guy on eBay.

Not particularly cheap at €99 but the Fester that everyone uses with the arbitrary bulb in his mouth is everywhere, and doesn't particularly look like Fester. I wanted something different.

Haven't fitted yet and I don't think I'm going to bother with EL wire for him as I can't really work out how to wire it to flashers.
I bought this one recently:

Similar to the second one in Tony's earlier post, except I bought it from the guy who handcrafts them rather than the ripoff guy on eBay.

Not particularly cheap at €99 but the Fester that everyone uses with the arbitrary bulb in his mouth is everywhere. I wanted something different.

Again not what is already in existence lol
Again not what is already in existence lol

Well it needs to be Fester because it's his chair. I would say something that looks like him, with a simple plug and play flasher that illuminates parts of him (?) to simulate electrocution that would plug inline with one of the Power flashers.

The one with the bulb in his mouth doesn't really make any sense at all, it's just an arbitrary light.

Well it needs to be Fester because it's his chair. I would say something that looks like him, with a simple plug and play flasher that illuminates parts of him (?) to simulate electrocution that would plug inline with one of the Power flashers.

The one with the bulb in his mouth doesn't really make any sense at all, it's just an arbitrary light.

He could be cast in clear resin with a led cast inside it then his head or eyes painted in trans paint. So when the flasher went off it would glow
I bought one from the Spanish guy, who I think was doing them as a limited edition. It's ok, but I do wonder whether a chair with fester premoulded in would work a lot better. Plus, from what I've seen of your painting skills Rudi, I'm sure you'd make it shine.
Happy to lend my Spanish fester to you for inspiration if it helps. I also have a new, unfitted chair.
Agreed. A chair with premoulded Fester would be perfect. Saves hassle with velcro or tape, and the chair comes off separately to the lamps anyway.
Plus one on Daz’s sentiments. I think he looks poo. Much better with just the chair.
Should have kept this but was very poorly and a bit impractical as a pinball mod BUT it was smaller than the chair !

Well was only a passing idea as I’d heard a few people saying they wanted a decent one. Don’t bother me I don’t even have one ha

Not enough interest = no go
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