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So my automatic response is always to LED my 90's-current machine. But LOTR? Its a bright table that fades and dims the bulbs nicely, very bright for a 10yr or so old table. Anyone LED'd theirs? Or regretted it? Its the only one i've ever had that I didn't think needed it.
This got thrown in at the last minute to sweeten a deal on a pair of Bally VECTOR machines plus a load of other bits. After a little research (because there's nothing on the playfield itself to indicate what it is) I discovered this is a Stern CATACOMB from 1981. So, basically I've never seen or...
One of those newer Stern types, and likely low usage as the game is HUO and in very good condition.
All dots working.
£100 + postage, or can bring to NLP on the Sunday (my rucksack is starting to get full though)
Pics to follow when i can be ****d to go over there -->
POTC £2600
My very nice POTC is up for sale. No wear, no marks, all fully working and plays great.
Anyone welcome to come view and play and take away.
A great game and the wives and kids love the theme.
DMD is in Perfect Working Order (Bright - No Lines Out).
No Errors on Start-Up...
Only ever been in my house since brand new, number 180 of only 400. Gorgeous, gutted to sell it.
Let me know if anyone is interested
So, I have a Samsung S7 edge and the VR which is a bit of a gimmick.
I was surprised to see a new Pinball Arcade game pop up so I downloaded it.
Turns out it's a new franchise STERN PINBALL ARCADE, and the basic app is free with Frankenstein as a free table. It is only available with Samsung...
For sale:
1x DMD with a single dot out. Ignore the line out in the pictures - it was a burn-in test.
Taken from a HUO Tron Pro, so it's probably ORANGE in colour but shown in the photos through a red filter.
Replaced with a ColorDMD about a year ago & only just got round to selling this.