Some more games coming up for sale. Personal circumstances are in flux, with a divorce now in progress...
I am not sure to be honest if this game is something people may be interested in as it is a pretty rare and unique game. Prototype or early production really and comes with a fairly hefty price tag. Fully working but does need tinkering if played regualry to keep in top shape, just like other low run games.
Comes with a spare new driver board and also my topper upgrade kit installed.
If you disagree it's worth this then ok, but i need to get this much otherwise it stays in storage for an another day. I dont mind a discussion on pricing but 25k is where i am with it. European games were priced at ~40k euros iirc. If you want to send me a dm then we can discuss. I doubt there will be another time to get a rare game like this in the uk.
25k, collection or use martin.
I am not sure to be honest if this game is something people may be interested in as it is a pretty rare and unique game. Prototype or early production really and comes with a fairly hefty price tag. Fully working but does need tinkering if played regualry to keep in top shape, just like other low run games.
Comes with a spare new driver board and also my topper upgrade kit installed.
If you disagree it's worth this then ok, but i need to get this much otherwise it stays in storage for an another day. I dont mind a discussion on pricing but 25k is where i am with it. European games were priced at ~40k euros iirc. If you want to send me a dm then we can discuss. I doubt there will be another time to get a rare game like this in the uk.
25k, collection or use martin.