Quick update on a new small board i'm in the process of designing. Working on it amongst my more complex projects. It is a replacement for the old flipper opto boards and uses the 5 legged optos. The aim is that it will work across all wpc generations including wpc-95 using type 2 to assist with ageing flipper opto related faults if you don't fancy, or don't want to change the components to solve faults, or the originals are missing, or are badly hacked during previous repairs.
Using the 5 legged opto means that future dirty optos or failing parts will not cause weird faults or seemingly random problems as the opto cannot turn an and off repeatedly quickly, it either works or it doesn't. This design was introduced in wpc-95 to solve this problem.
Early pic of board layout. Power test points and 12v led are added.
This project all depends on the availability of the optos. Aiming for a £20 inc. vat per complete board pricing
Using the 5 legged opto means that future dirty optos or failing parts will not cause weird faults or seemingly random problems as the opto cannot turn an and off repeatedly quickly, it either works or it doesn't. This design was introduced in wpc-95 to solve this problem.
Early pic of board layout. Power test points and 12v led are added.
This project all depends on the availability of the optos. Aiming for a £20 inc. vat per complete board pricing