If ever a machine should be burnt for bringing pinball into disrepute, this is it.
The playfield was filthy, probably the worst I've seen in person.
The drop target to the joker was missing/broken.
The right flipper rubber was hanging on by a thread.
The Batman figure was missing with only his foot remaining.
There was also a slingshot spotlight missing altogether
However the worst was yet to come. Actually playing it.
It was so shallow to make it almost backwards.
There was no rubber on the shooter tip, nor a spring on the outside of the plunger rod. This meant you could not plunge to the rollovers at all, and if you got 2 balls in the shooter lane, you were stuffed. Due to the spring being missing on the outside of the plunger you couldn't slam the plunger with your hand either.
It had so many bulbs out to make lane changes, both top and bottom, guesswork. Which is strange considering it had some LEDs fitted? Completing BATMAN to light a mode was also guesswork.
Both flippers were extremely weak meaning the centre ramp was also hit and miss.
The crane would only register hits if you glanced off it, rather than hitting it straight on, and only then if it felt like it. I hit it that hard that it was bouncing around like Sparky being electrocuted.
The missing drop target at the Joker, meant that the ball regularly got trapped on it, requiring a balls search.
The ball also got stuck at the top of the Batmobile ramp on a number of occasions, which a ball search wouldn't shift, you had to hit it with another ball, or tilt. (More about that shortly).
The feed from the crane onto the ramp, and the feed from the gadget playfield also got trapped on the switch on the ramp. Occasionally this would free itself with vibration from the flippers, but just as likely got stuck there for good, even a tilt wouldn't remove it.
What this meant was that once you got a ball stuck you had to tilt, let the machine ball search and offer up another ball. Obviously this screws everything as when the ball does come free you have 2 balls in play, and drain the second you go to single ball.
Likewise you drop out of MB as soon as you get down to 2 balls.
The only solution was to try and start crane and joker mb at the same time so the machine knew all 4 balls where in play!
I made the mistake of putting £2 in to get 3 credits and can honestly say I only lost 2 balls genuinely in single ball play out of the 8/9 games I played in total, due to replays. That's despite another tight tilt.