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With all this talk of Comps........


1 10 Years
Sep 21, 2014
SW London
Ok. With all league meets, flip frenzy, hosted events etc etc lately it is clearly a great time to be into pinball at the moment. The competition aspect is clearly growing and after reading one of the other threads on the London league meet last Sunday thought I'd float an idea I've had for a long time now.

This is not one for this year and probably not next but something we can try to arrange for the future.

Basically, a 'World Cup' of Pinball.

Probably hosted at PAPA HQ (our maybe Stern) a say 4 day event with players (us in Union Jack t -shirts naturally) from around the world representing their home nation. If too ambitious could even be USA Vs The rest of the world.

We could have A and B teams of 10 players in each. USA, UK, Germany, Holland, Australia etc etc.

Yes I know it's a bit ambitious but what a great week away in the States. It would be a great social event also and I can imagine all the 'countries' mixing and having a great time.

Anyhow, if I don't make the B team can I be the manager, coach or even water boy?
Have heard of the Epstein cup but not seen it. Will look up on you tube. Cheers Peter.

Sounds exciting Neil. Look forward to some more details....
Never knew anything about that one. Good luck chaps and bring home the bacon!
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