...Because WW was already taken by WhirlWind
I had to click on that, now I feel a plonkerW?D is my personal favourite. It's a bit sad that I have a favourite abbreviation, but there you go.
None of the cool kids ever do, so we’re good.Nobody mention Waterworld [emoji16]
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I click on every single one... Not a clue...All these abbreviations! I’m slowly learning them but one I don’t get - why is White Water abbreviated to WH20??
Someone put me out of my misery.
Fourth of July = Independence DayID4 was a head scratcher for me.
Sonic had a Star Wars before Data East (Spanish Sega division)Then you have DESW for no apparent reason... SW was unused at the time!
I dont recall any other DE pin getting that treatment.
There are 4 now that each would have been abbreviated to WW had they been released earliest.
Willy Wonka
Does Willy Wonka have an accepted abbreviation yet?
Yeah but it's so rare and early no-one ever used 'SW' for that. Or not that I ever saw anyway. It's odd..
No idea why Popeye is P*P*Y* [emoji848]!?! It's quicker to just type Popeye ffs [emoji23]
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IJ4...... as it does feature Crystal Skull (shudders) contentWithout looking. What’s sterns Indiana Jones abbreviated as?