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Which table should I sort out next?

Which table would you like to see running first?

  • Bally Op-Pop-Pop

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Gottlieb Mibs

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Bally Sky Kings

    Votes: 14 50.0%

  • Total voters


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Near Grantham

Just finished an EM table for Jon M: -


I have a bit of DIY to do (down stairs WC) then onto the next EM project.

Which one do you think I should do next: -

Bally: Op-Pop-Pop -
Gottlieb: Mibs -
Bally Sky Kings -

If you have a min, vote and let me know which one you would prefer to see working first.


Have an op pop pop here - so selfishly I vote that way! I love the artwork on this machine and I'm using it's semis functioning status to learn more about fixing EMs - albeit without a schematic.

Sent from my FP2 using Tapatalk
It is neck and neck between opopopipipppopopoooopopp and sky kings! Poll closes in 6 days. Thank you to those that have voted do far.:thumbs:
Hah, I just made it neck and neck again. sorry :p

it was definitely not deliberate, since I can;t see the current score before voting
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