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Which machine have you kept the shortest ?

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Following on from Johns thread ....

Demo Man - about 2 weeks. I think I hated it on the first evening :mad: and it was all downhill after that

Theatre Of Magic - lovely condition. I shopped it and then lost interest after about a month, gone within 3 months.
Creature from the Black Lagoon, was surprised how much I disliked it!

good thread :-)
Black Rose.

Had it about a week. Fixed it, hated how the cannon rim interfered with the ball. Sold it.
Never understood the negative feelings about DM. Loved mine from the start.

I've kind of got a 12 month rule to try and find hidden depths on machines but I'm struggling a bit with my Stargate. Great theme but it hasn't got that "click" for me, so might be time to move it on soon.
Cactus Canyon. 2 months. The sounds drove me mad and I found the empty playfield boring.
GrizZ' date=' post: 1694740 said:
Theatre Of Magic. I shopped it and then lost interest after about a month, gone within 3 months.


I loved it! Thought it was awesome. But after a few weeks just hated it. The other day I fired it up on Pinball Arcade on my Xbox for the first time. As soon as the music kicked in I was instanty iritated. It's the game I miss the least.

replicas' date=' post: 1694745 said:
Monster Bash, 3 days.

LOL! 3 days must be a record! And I thought I was bad......
GrizZ' date=' post: 1694758 said:
Yep I think even Will B's MB lasted about a week , though after the first few games I think he was looking for a buyer

Our American cousins love a bit of Monster Bash. It seems to be up there with MM Stateside these days.

I've only ever played it a few times in an arcade in Southend. Seemed quite fun.
Fintan Stack' date=' post: 1694759 said:
Our American cousins love a bit of Monster Bash. It seems to be up there with MM Stateside these days.

I've only ever played it a few times in an arcade in Southend. Seemed quite fun.

I would love to own a MB. I know it is not the hardest game going but I love the Universal Monster theme. Reminds me of all those great horror films I watched as a kid.
Andrew Stockdale' date=' post: 1694763 said:
I would love to own a MB. I know it is not the hardest game going but I love the Universal Monster theme. Reminds me of all those great horror films I watched as a kid.

Yeah, I love the theme too. I love the look of the machine as well.
Scared Stiff for me. Lasted about 2 months. Really loved it at first, but in a very short time it started to get on my tits.
I've not owned many pins so far so I've not had one that I wanted to get rid of quickly yet, guess I've got that coming
JD and WCS both lasted 6 months each before they got traded.
STTNG. Seemed like a standard game shoehorned into a wide body. The cannons malfunctioned aaallllll the time. And I hate Star Trek too. Lasted 6 weeks
Theatre of Magic didn't last long, other than that most machines have had some staying power. Weirdly I find that I like playing ToM on the Pinball Arcade as long as the volume is muted - put the volume up and I can't stand it. Think the soundtrack ruined the game for me.

Don't understand how people got tired of Monster Bash so quickly, we've had our 18 months now and its still holding our attention. Admittedly it can be a little easy, but if you make it steep and play about with the settings it can be made much more challenging. Helps that I love the theme though.
The Shadow that I got from jonathan lasted in my collection a grand total of 7 weeks, and most of that time it was dumped in my garage...

TOTAN lasted even less time, about six weeks IIRC. Great music, but I just didn't like the patronising voice, and it was a drain monster too.

I don't think STTNG will stay in my collection much longer somehow. So many little niggling problems with it, and I hate that unfair R/H outlane as well.
Dr who at 9 weeks,then 3 months for SW data east (second time around),and NBA at 5 months
Not much lasts very long at my place, but Dr Who and Tommy are the stand outs. Dr Who i regretted buying almost instantly when set-up at home. Tommy i was thrilled to have bought, drove up and down the country and couldn't wait to get playing, set it up turned it on and the music started, I couldn't believe it wasn't the Who!!! Already sold in my head in seconds. In fairness, the game does have merits, but i could never get over that disappointment, do your homework and know what your getting!!!!
South Park. Stripped, resprayed, cleaned, polished, loads of new parts blah blah. Hooked it up and it was on Ebay within the week - even with the carpet munching mode....truly pants game. Although the Chef figure that I was going to put on it still lives in the kitchen because he is cool. Ooooh momma.
RFM, about a week, JD would have gone within 24 hours except for the ulterior motive for owning

Ironically I searched long and hard for the RFM, Tilt on, Tilt off, Tilt on and finally RFM but unfortunately it put me on a downer from the get go for some reason, theme?, music? not sure but it was such an anti-climax after the long search.

I am on my second JD, I like this one even less than the first one
Apollo 13 - Bought on a whim, quite liked it, but as it turned out, I was just rubbish at it*

Also the drain from the bumpers SDTM depressed me.

*more rubbish than usual.
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