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What pins are at brean

About a month ago there was about 9 tables there. From memory our faves (me and my two boys) were Medieval Madness top one there by far, Indiana Jones Stern, my youngest was most into Fishtails, there was a Flintstones, Junkyard, Elvis, No Fear a Hook that wasn't working and Terminator or Judge Dread or something.

I was checking pins as I wanted to buy one.

We also went to Weston peir where they had a Spiderman, a Family Guy and a Big Buck Hunter.

Out of that lot my top 3 was MM, SM and IJ in that order.

I went with what I could afford and got a SM that I'm very happy with, but I might have done better if I found this forum first.

NP. I'm no expert but MM was in good condition £1 a go or £2 for 3 goes, the older machines were £1 for 2 goes.
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