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Wanted Wanted - System 11 Backplate


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Hi all,

Longshot i know, however i wondered if anyone had a System 11 metal backplate and board mounts kicking about that they no longer want/need??
Probably the least used part of a Pin stripdown.... See the yellow arrow below....


Wow how did that go missing then Paul?? 😆

Lol it didnt!.

Have had some issues with System 11 boards. It's near on impossibly to properly fault-find whilst in a machine, plus you then have all the "unknowns" that a machine adds. The only way to fix this would be for me to build a System 11 test rig. I have the boards etc - just ideally need the backing plate. I can build without, however would be much easier with!
Bump!! Anyone got one kicking about before i have to start from scratch and mount every single board screw individually?? 😭
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