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Walking dead remastered


10 Years
Oct 20, 2013
I have seen a few articles that this will be the next remastered pin from stern what’s people’s thoughts on this I would rather see lord of the rings remastered
It's an interesting one this. Maybe as the show has finished (albeit with spinoffs running) stern are getting in before the show
gets too dated as a theme. Or maybe seeing the popularity that spooky has with evil dead they want to throw out a stern
To be truly good and true to the theme it needs a lot of zombies getting destroyed in gory ways. Somehow can't see Stern doing this
on an LCD screen machine. If thats the case then it becomes like the gunless John wick and the fans will kickoff.
I’d love to see/play a remastered TWD I have a premium and it’s often my go to pin to get the pinball fix I was craving. Several short games later I’ve got what I needed, then every so often a great game that leaves you exhausted afterwards, a fantastic pinball machine.
If a remastered version could have that same feeling it would be awesome.
With several more series made after the original game came out theirs plenty of scope to completely change the game into a whole new game 🤔
Are you sure mate 😉

I would actually mate.

I think I'm a bit more chilled with the game now. I watched Gene play it at @Jmac house and learnt a lot.
I'm also really happy with my collection now so if I got p1$$ed off with TWD kicking my @rse I could just play something else rather than smash the game with a sledgehammer 😉
I doubt this game will get done or be a hit like Metallica for those of you that remember this game was a flop on release largely down to the lack of original music and zero actor call outs only a dodgy voice over only saved by clelaland s sound package really also all the dots are hand drawn so that may be hard to get actual movie footage on there with licences and hour looking through footage
I would actually mate.

I think I'm a bit more chilled with the game now. I watched Gene play it at @Jmac house and learnt a lot.
I'm also really happy with my collection now so if I got p1$$ed off with TWD kicking my @rse I could just play something else rather than smash the game with a sledgehammer 😉
Gonzo getting his **** kicked repeatedly by TWD is still some of the most popcorn friendly pinball streaming ever known to man - 10/10 - would highly recommend 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Gonzo getting his **** kicked repeatedly by TWD is still some of the most popcorn friendly pinball streaming ever known to man - 10/10 - would highly recommend 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

It was a particular highlight for me too. 🤣

Possibly the second angriest I've ever been with a pinball machine.

There was a game on Jackbot but fortunately it wasn't captured on camera.
It was a particular highlight for me too. 🤣

Possibly the second angriest I've ever been with a pinball machine.

There was a game on Jackbot but fortunately it wasn't captured on camera.
It was when I was just starting out in the hobby... and everytime there was a new "GONZO VS MACHINE" video I used to get acrively excited and grab a beer and then just laugh at you (or with you.... whatever 🤪🤪🤪)

Unfortunately I could definitely have used more sequels to this masterpiece, it was cut too short
It was when I was just starting out in the hobby... and everytime there was a new "GONZO VS MACHINE" video I used to get acrively excited and grab a beer and then just laugh at you (or with you.... whatever 🤪🤪🤪)

Unfortunately I could definitely have used more sequels to this masterpiece, it was cut too short

Well thank you for watching Dave, not exactly man and machine in perfect harmony 😉
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