i made this model in Google Sketchup, which is free and fun to use. It's all to scale, based on the Charmandean centre in Worthing's floorplan, and all the model pins i made with help from many of you. Then i exported an animation in avi, and set it to Hendrix.
Next step, if i can be ****d to go the extra step, is to upload the model to http://www.3dvia.com so you can just click on the link, download a plugin, and walk through the model as you would a video game. the appeal of that (for me) would be to hide various Easter eggs around the place in hard to get to places.
edit: that ain't gonna happen, cos you can only use it for free with models up to 25MB; i can't even upload it to Google Earth, as their limit is 10MB. My model is 160MB.
why did i do this? because i am a nerd, i enjoyed it. also (and originally this is why) it's to make a scale model of my games room, so i can experiment with different layout, see what fits, generally dork out.