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Virtual Slam


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London

i made this model in Google Sketchup, which is free and fun to use. It's all to scale, based on the Charmandean centre in Worthing's floorplan, and all the model pins i made with help from many of you. Then i exported an animation in avi, and set it to Hendrix.

Next step, if i can be ****d to go the extra step, is to upload the model to http://www.3dvia.com so you can just click on the link, download a plugin, and walk through the model as you would a video game. the appeal of that (for me) would be to hide various Easter eggs around the place in hard to get to places.

edit: that ain't gonna happen, cos you can only use it for free with models up to 25MB; i can't even upload it to Google Earth, as their limit is 10MB. My model is 160MB.

why did i do this? because i am a nerd, i enjoyed it. also (and originally this is why) it's to make a scale model of my games room, so i can experiment with different layout, see what fits, generally dork out.
Nice work Dan, looks really good. I'm going to have to wander round the Slam with Hendrix playing on my iphone to get the same experience for real
Dan my man, nice job.

You have way to much spare time on your hands, and girls with bikini's on behind the bar , Yep way to much time.

Dude you are a star.

Will...Ive....based on Dan's 3D walkthrough I'm assuming there will be girls in bikini's serving me at the bar right?
Will in a bikini, the mind boggles.


"Nurse ! Nurse ! he out of his bed again."
Don't worry, only the current UK top ten have to wear bikinis - so that's Martin A, Greg M, Stan S, Matt V, Peter B, Phil D, Will D, Eddie M, Garry S and Mike K.

I was just sick a bit in my mouth thinking about that lot in bikinis.
If you EVER create that lot in bikinis in photoshop or summat I will have to nut ya Dan!!
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