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May 8, 2020
Just an idea I had for a bit of fun with all the particulars to be finalised. The top eight players (if anyone in the top eight doesn't want to compete then the offer is open to the next highest ranked player and so on) I'm not sure how that works, maybe go on IFPA world rankings or a UK equivalent? would go up against eight players who don't really go into competitions but feel that their skills are at a decent level. It would be once a month where the "amauters" would host. Then a flip of a coin determines who picks the game (you must own a minimum of three games) and the loser of the flip decides if they go first or second. Like I said all the particulars to be finalised, travel costs etc. It's just an opportunity for bragging rights really, it's solely team based. If a "pro" scores one victory then that "team" gets three points. Let's see who is interested, like I said it's a bit of fun and a good way of getting to know each other.
Hi @Lickashot - nice idea... I can only speak for myself but I thought someone should reply. While it certainly sounds fun the problem is logistics - the top 8 are spread at all ends of the country and I know for many of us we already don't have enough spare weekends with family commitments and other events so it is difficult to organise.

From your scores etc you sound like a very good player - the opportunity to play against the top players are already there - just come along to any tournament(!)

I think some people might find the idea of a pinball tournament too serious... others please feel free to chime in but the vast majority of UK tournaments are a lot of fun and not that serious. The social side is great - people are friendly and encouraging. Qualifying is certainly more relaxed - perhaps the playoffs/finals do get a little more tense but that is to be expected.

I brought my friend to his second comp yesterday. He has literally played around 4 sessions of pinball ever - he proceeded to beat me heads up with 122M on Stranger Things and win a respectable amount of games. Many newer players have given it a go recently and really enjoyed it.

Why not come to Tilt super series #3 in Birmingham on July 21st if you can make it? It is a relaxed one with some top players and some newer ones with a great range of games...

Hope to see you at a future comp!
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