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Unintentional keepers?


Site Supporter
May 25, 2020
Anyone else been there—you pick up a pin thinking, “This’ll be a fun little fling, I won’t get too attached,” and next thing you know, it’s still in your lineup years later, refusing to budge. Maybe it was cheap find, a rare pin you were curious about, or just a game you grabbed to fill a spot temporarily- But somehow, it won you over?
I’ve not long had a SM and the way I look at it, it’s definitely a solid player, but not something I’d keep forever and I should easily be able to replace if sold being common (btw- My kids may disagree. Reckon I’d have a mutiny on my hands if I even mentioned moving it on.)
I was recently shown a very impressive ACNC and it made me think….there’s probably so many titles that folk hold onto once they appreciate how great the game actually is and how difficult it would be to replace. Anyone got their own unintentional keeper?
I was thinking about doing a similar thread to this just recently.
For me it has to be The Mandalorian. I bought it new and had only watched videos of the gameplay before pulling the trigger which for me is an extreme rarity. My plan was to have it a bit and sell it and move on to the next game.
That was almost 4 years ago and it’s still with me played often. I know a lot of people don’t really rate it. But for me I love the challenging gameplay and the integration of the series. I have come close to completing it which keeps me coming back for more punishment 😂.
Well at the risk of ridicule, for me it is Rocky and Bullwinkle. Was a cheap purchase that I thought would hardly touch the ground before going on it's way, but actually it is largely a well thought through game with a lot going on and some unusual clever touches. Think it's been here 15 years or so and I still enjoy playing it - even treated it to a colour DMD recently 🙂
Has to be Big Buck Hunter for me.

Bought it without playing it (despite hearing it was rubbish) and loved it. Sold it once and regretted it, so got it back. Cannot see it leaving unless I get out of the hobby.
Bought a flood damaged Mustang with the intention of making a bm66 ultra edition. Was in lovely shape and just required a new transformer and a good workshop.
Gone now but glad I got to keep it. Excellent game too.
Fishtales. Bought it thinking I’d enjoy it for a few months and move it on. Still in the same spot 4 1/2 years later and not going anywhere
Agreed. Took a punt on eBay a few year ago.

It's the game I never thought I'd love quite this much.

Hitting those ramps over and over makes me smile.

When you only have 10mins spare, FT is my go-to game.
Fish Tales. Never rated it in the wild. Was the same era as Addams Family, often seen side by side with it, and I put all my money in the latter.

I bought a broken low miles FT with a view to fixing it up and selling after a couple of months. I liked it so much that I bought another one with a Manny refurbed cab and made the best game I could out of them.

It's been my most played game since
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I agree with all the Fish Tales love that is being shown but I knew I was gonna keep mine the moment I got it in 2012. It was the machine me and Mrs Tox played most back in the day when on location in the pubs.
Unexpected keeper is my Congo, we played one in a pub in Tintagel and it was awful, lights out, dirty, the volcano spat the balls up into the glass, not a lot of fun but when I found a cheapish nice example and got it set up properly at home I realised what a gem it is.
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