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Twat it!

Got any more X-rays? All I can see is a hairline fracture on the fibula
Just sitting in the fracture clinic. It is the fibula @cooldan , but it's snapped in two not a hairline. That grey line that the arrow points to is the start of the break where it's most obvious, then it continues down and to the right as a very thin line. Easier to see on Mr. Mohamed's pc with contrast controls :-) . Good news : looks like no surgery needed, bad news: 6 weeks is when the cast comes off, but then I'll need to wear one of those boot things for abit longer.
Not great, the first week or two are the worst but you adapt fairly quickly.

I smashed my leg 14 years ago, was in hospital for a few months and then got out but had an ilizarov frame on my leg for another few months. first few weeks I was akward and useless, soon got used to it and could move about no problem.

I had a femoral nail (still do) as well which is why i was in hospital for a good while, had to do my exercises in the swimming pool and wasnt allowed to put my weight on my leg. wasnt allowed to go home until it was ok to put my weight on my leg.

Got to say the worst part of the whole ordeal was getting the frame off, thick steel wire vibrates when its cut, when your bones have fused around that steel wire you feel the wire being cut. Then they have to rip the steel wire out of you leg....
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