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Sold TSPP £5250


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Placeholder thread until I can get some proper pictures tomorrow.

I took this TSPP in as a part ex a couple of months ago. It was pretty dirty when I got it so I gave it a mini shop and it's looking pretty good now. Spent a chunk of cash on it to add the below bits;

- No skill post!
- New lollipop rails
- Pin2DMD
- Pinblades
- Speaker decal
- New powdercoat to all metalwork
- New shooter rod/springs
- Cab solid as a rock
- Playfield in good condition. Usual scoop wear but no insert wear I can find
- Titan rubbers on flippers and slings
- LEDs in the GI
- New balls
- New leg bolts
- New leg levellers
- New flipper buttons
- New T moulding in back box

- Some scuffs to left side cabinet art
- Small chink missing from backbox corner
- Coin door seems slightly warped. May just be how I've screwed it back together. I'll try and sort before it sells
- Some marks to the glass
- No coin mech
- Right inlane plastic snapped
- Lockdown bar receiver has some rust. Can be sandblasted or you can buy new replacements. I didn't bother as you can't see it!
- Holes for security bar in front of cab (now plugged)

I've tried to be as honest as possible and I'm probably downplaying the games condition. If you wanted it mint then some new cab decals and a playfield strip/tumbling of metal parts would have it shining :)

Proper pictures to come tomororw

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Hope this sells quickly because I have no space for a new game right now and yet I'm dangerously tempted.
One of my favourites.
I don’t know of anyone that has ever got to SDMEWM (Super Duper Mega Extreme Wizard Mode)
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