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Trades ?

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
Seen quite a few pins offered up for trade recently , and then subsequently up for sale / sold.

Is Trading a nice idea in theory …,but hard to put into practice ?

In 20 years of pins I think I have only traded ( + cash) once. And that was after both of us already had the pins for sale and so prices / values were clear.
I did a trade recently, went very smoothly. Received some money and pin was collected, week later one delivered. Pain free.

Trying to do another trade, watch this space.
Traded way more games than I’ve ever sold.

Selling leaves a hole in the collection which then causes me stress about how to fill it.

I actually prefer trading as it’s easier to gain a rough value. Most LCD games are going to be a similar value. If they go up or down afterward you haven’t really lost anything.

Everything is getting harder though. My collection hasn’t changed now for 2 years as it’s getting so much harder to replace games if you miss them.
I put up two machines for trade some time ago, did a deal for one with a member on here, all went well. However... my inbox lit up with people wanting to buy outright, which wasn't something I wanted to do at the time as there is/was a shortage of machines to replace the outgoing with, but no harm in asking the question for sure.

The bit that did get my goat somewhat was 'offers' on my machines where the other party valued my machine at a low ball X and there machine at Y, only issue was Y was more than a NIB price! Yes really!

Would I trade again, yes, but as machines are seeming more available currently I'd be less concerned with selling to make room for a incoming replacement.

So yes trades 'can' work for sure, but watch out for any chancers.

Traded my TAF for TWD then eventually traded TWD for TSPP. No problems. Although I suppose I did lose £2000 somewhere in those deals. Best not to think about it too much.
Tried a few times without any luck so found it quicker to sell and just find something to fill the space.
My next 2 pins I’ll sell and hold onto the money till I he right pin comes along for sale.
There was a stale mate a few months ago where nothing was for sale and prices were going vertical.
Trading was good then as it kept you on the “ladder”. If you came off it you’d have been in a bun fight for anything that came up for sale and paid through the nose.
It’s the summer pinball blues dude. You’re in full on beach mode. Come the winter you’ll be back out there
I was obviously looking for a trade for my LoTR recently.

I didn’t go ahead in the end because LoTR is worth more to me than it is to the community, and vice versa, so I’d end up feeling I was losing money making a medium-term trade for a less-popular Stern Pro, and then losing money again selling the Pro to buy an A:IQ Prem to put in the slot.

I also realised the primary problem with our LoTR is that the long ball times don’t work well with young kids. Thus, we’ve decided to try to go down the temporary exchange swap route instead for the moment - to freshen things up and try some pins we’d like to spend some time with, but wouldn’t want to own for one reason or other.
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Seen quite a few pins offered up for trade recently , and then subsequently up for sale / sold.

Is Trading a nice idea in theory …,but hard to put into practice ?

In 20 years of pins I think I have only traded ( + cash) once. And that was after both of us already had the pins for sale and so prices / values were clear.
Plus you straight traded your Swords of Fury for my Popeye way back.
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