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Touring The Mansion - *** Spoilers!! ***

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
So I toured the mansion for the first time on Friday. Was pretty awesome. Anything that causes a soundbite of Raul Julia shouting is good in my book. I drained pretty soon after collecting it.

On Saturday I toured again. This time though, I kept the ball going for ages. As far as I could work out, getting to tour lights a load of the rooms straight away and then they automatically light one at time afterwards. (As long as you can keep the ball alive.)
Anyway, I got to the point where 1 was only 2 rooms away from relighting every room and then I drained. This got me thinking, I wonder what happens if you get to tour and manage to relight every room again. So I looked it up today and was bitterly disappointed to discover that nothing happens. Not only that, but you cannot even collect mansion rooms until after you drain that ball. :(

This feels like a huge missed oppertunity to me. A super-super jackpot for getting all of the rooms lit again would be awesome. And at least you should be able to continue normal play afterwards.

However, it's a great game. I am loving it. It may be a touch on the easy side so I may tinker with the settings. One of the best things about it though is that everybody loves it. My Mum came over at the weekend and I couldn't get her off it.
My TAF is not very forgiving and the electric chair hole feels tiny compared to other peoples machines. Dawn and Anne's TAF has a cave to shoot into, back flip from the left easily. Back flip from the left on mine is Russian Roulette with four bullets in the six chambers.
This has led me to tour the mansion three time, twice in the same hour and then only come close since. I have to ignore the modes and sit out anything with magnets involved to be in with a hope of getting close to the magic.

I agree that another super bonus would have been fantastic but also consider that if you do nothing, just cradle the ball on the flipper, you would get the bare minium for each bonus mode, plus you get the 50M, the 6M and 9M, extra ball and two multiball chances. That is a lot for a game of TAF and has ended up as a high score on my machine.

However, the fact that you then cant start to tour the mansion again once completed on the same ball is a mistake. That would limit a really great ball.
I agree that another super bonus would have been fantastic but also consider that if you do nothing, just cradle the ball on the flipper, you would get the bare minium for each bonus mode, plus you get the 50M, the 6M and 9M, extra ball and two multiball chances.

That is a very good point. But I guess you could combat that by coding it to end the tour if no switches have been hit for a certain period of time.
However, the fact that you then cant start to tour the mansion again once completed on the same ball is a mistake. That would limit a really great ball.

This is my main gripe. It just seems mad that you have to lose the ball in order to carry on playing fully. :(

Still, I don't want to sound like I am bashing the game. It's brilliant. It's amazing to think it's 21 years old now. Pinball hasn't really moved on a great deal since this game came out. It has a bit of everything.
Addams *IS* early 90s pinball. Love mine, and the few times I have started thinking about maybe selling/trading it ....I just can't :biggrin1: It is just damn fun to play even when you have seen everything on it a hundred times. The soundbites, lighting effects etc are second to none and really enhance the whole play experience.

Backhanding the Chair from the left hand flipper is definitely the safe option. Even if you miss , the ball is usually more controllable and saveable then a forehand smash from the right flipper, often coming back to the left for another attempt. Though I often shoot at it from the right - the added danger makes it more satisfying when you nail it on the fly :smokin:

If you concentrate on Chair, catch/control ball , make ramp to relight chair, left flipper into Chair again....rinse and repeat ....you'll be on yr way to the Mansion in no time ;)
If you concentrate on Chair, catch/control ball , make ramp to relight chair, left flipper into Chair again....rinse and repeat ....you'll be on yr way to the Mansion in no time ;)

This is exactly how I have been playing. I had all rooms lit on my first ball once by playing it this way.
What is the highest bear kicks number folks have seen? I remember seeing high 38 on a game a few months back.

I have to hit the chair from the right flipper, I can't get it to have enough speed to jump across from right flipper to left when returning from the ramp, plus the shot with speed from the right flipper feels safer than the left shot.

Anything that causes a soundbite of Raul Julia shouting is good in my book.
"Who says you can't take it with you!" always makes me smile. Highest Cousin It bonus was 32M, highest end of round bonus was 44M, had Mamushka and Cousin it running when multi-balls started.

The only thing that would make my TAF better is a nicer play field. :)
My dad toured the mansion a few times on TAFG when I had it

What is the highest bear kicks number folks have seen? I remember seeing high 38 on a game a few months back.

I have to hit the chair from the right flipper, I can't get it to have enough speed to jump across from right flipper to left when returning from the ramp, plus the shot with speed from the right flipper feels safer than the left shot.

I have had 40 or 50 BKs on a number of games. I have never gone all out for Super BKs though, just as part of decent game.

If you dont have enough speed sometimes a little 'bump' of the machine can help it on its way, or a slight flipper tap. Failing that, cradle ball on right and then post pass off the slingshot post . ;) Pretty reliable on TAF.

Of course no discussion of TAF is complete without the legendary Koi Morris in action:hail: ....total dude, one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Somewhere we have some footage of Koi turning on the TAF skills at the 2009 UK Pinball Show. Happy days :D

Of course no discussion of TAF is complete without the legendary Koi Morris in action:hail: ....total dude, one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Somewhere we have some footage of Koi turning on the TAF skills at the 2009 UK Pinball Show. Happy days :D


Who ever edited that footage needs a slap!!!!
So I looked it up today and was bitterly disappointed to discover that nothing happens. Not only that, but you cannot even collect mansion rooms until after you drain that ball. :(

Not really a missed opportunity, I had an amazing game once and toured the mansion 13 times (yes it was a long game and no the tilt wasn't disabled!) You earn an extra ball in the mansion, so it makes perfect sense to not be allowed to re-do the mansion on that ball. I like your super Jackpot idea though, that would have been neat :)

Things to do once mansion has been toured in no particular order:

Get graveyard to max
Get at least one train wreck to hold grave - but try for 4 to get EB
Get Millions plus to ten million and keep on shooting that side ramp afterwards!
Go for 3 or 4 way combo
Get bonus multiplier to max (5x from memory)
Go for Super bear kicks (although this is a waste as you will miss out spotting mansion rooms)
13 times???

That must have been some score! :eeek:

Doesn't it pi*s you off when certain people are so good.
Love the TRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPLLLLEEEEEE JAAAACCCKKPPPOOOTTTTTTT though,one of the best sound bites. You tend to get the hair on your neck stand up when hearing it.
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