To keep plastics in place and such.
I bought a bunch of them when I bought the new rubbers for Elektra.
Having finally gotten it back together and all working - thought I would actually play it a bit \o/
Then realised I was missing a nut from the top of a post - and so the plastic fell off
Count find the missing nut anyway - so tried one of the wee rubber deelys - but that doesnt stay on.
So I thought I wonder if I could 3D print a nut - if I print it will 100% fill should be fine.. Then I changed my mind a little. Decided I could instead 3D print the aforementioned rubber deely - wont hurt if its in plastic.
I even have some clear blue filament - which fits in nicely with all the other blooooo ness ness ness
Im quite pleased with the result ! (Even if it is just a wee non rubber rubber deely)
I bought a bunch of them when I bought the new rubbers for Elektra.
Having finally gotten it back together and all working - thought I would actually play it a bit \o/
Then realised I was missing a nut from the top of a post - and so the plastic fell off
Count find the missing nut anyway - so tried one of the wee rubber deelys - but that doesnt stay on.
So I thought I wonder if I could 3D print a nut - if I print it will 100% fill should be fine.. Then I changed my mind a little. Decided I could instead 3D print the aforementioned rubber deely - wont hurt if its in plastic.
I even have some clear blue filament - which fits in nicely with all the other blooooo ness ness ness
Im quite pleased with the result ! (Even if it is just a wee non rubber rubber deely)