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This year's challenge....


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Ok so i have a Jolly Park kicking about now, and with parts availability at a near impossibility i thought i would ask anyhow.

So i'm looking for the following parts, or possible sources anywhere in the world, or any leads anywhere that i might be able to follow....

Coil Driver board (60-861) - Semi-toasted - possibly salvageable however not holding out much hope! :(
Missing both sides Flipper buttons (the button mechs, not the flipper mechs themselves!). Just cut wires and two holes both sides :(
Missing 6 roll-over switches (most of the ones by the flippers! :( )
Mini circuit board next to the Plumb bob tilt Mech?? I have two connectors, however nothing else there other than the tilt itself...
2x bulb holders
Left side Drain plastic

Have asked over on Pinside with maybe a couple of people there that might be able to help with some pics, however nothing concrete on any of the above.... so the great parts chase is on!!! :D

Half the battle is that i dont even know what the missing stuff looks like!!

Any assistance appreciated :)

Many thanks
You have way to much going on Pinball wise.
Good luck in the hunt, Try give in Lee Buck a shout he has a couple and a load of spares if I am not mistaken.
You have way to much going on Pinball wise.
Good luck in the hunt, Try give in Lee Buck a shout he has a couple and a load of spares if I am not mistaken.

Tell me about it!!!! This is my "on the side" machine ;)

already been speaking to Lee - i think he's probably just got PF parts which would be part of the battle - however it is in a different country so might be difficult....
lol mr replicas has brought me a challenge too,I busted the mrs iPad by dropping it and cracking screen taking pics ......didn't go down well:oops::mad::mad::mad::mad::confused:
Tell me about it!!!! This is my "on the side" machine ;)

already been speaking to Lee - i think he's probably just got PF parts which would be part of the battle - however it is in a different country so might be difficult....
Excuse for a holiday.
I dropped my iPad and cracked the screen, I was almost in tears. I only bought it to play TPA on. Have since (too late) put a £5 bumper on it but may go get it fixed if it's not too prohibitive
Something that I'm guessing isnt beyond the realms of your expertise Luke...

driver3.jpg driver1.jpg driver2.jpg

I can get a replacement board from the US, however the design is slightly different so i am hesitant to go that route. I can replace and resolder (other than the TIP141's and the Relay the sum total of parts is less than £20!!), however whilst i'm good at the occasional re-solder, my skills really aren't THAT good :(

In the last picture, the top TIP is connected through a physical hole in the board to the track on the reverse.

I guess whilst it may well function, as it is i don't trust it not to fry to a small black piece of charcoal as soon as power is applied!!!

I dropped my iPad and cracked the screen, I was almost in tears. I only bought it to play TPA on. Have since (too late) put a £5 bumper on it but may go get it fixed if it's not too prohibitive

Get a replacement glass and digitiser from ebay (less than £20) and do it yourself, pretty easy just make sure you get every last piece of glass out of the frame before putting new glass in.

Ive done it twice now on mine (ipad 3, broke it within two weeks of replacing the first one) I have a set of iballz on it now (got for £2 off the bay)

Im about to order a screen etc for my mums ipad because she has just dropped hers down the stairs onto tiled floor in hallway. Its an ipad 4 but probably the same (will do a search on youtube)

Or depending on your excess etc on home insurance claim it through there and apple will replace it for about £150 - £200 depening on model etc
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