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This forum needs a Muppets thread


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
C'mon guys. I know loads of you have heard the rumours. And Stern put a 'which muppet are you' questionnaire link thing up on FB. So maybe something will finally materialise at last

Ooooooo can we go nuts imagineering a Muppets table??can we can we can we?

I want a Kermit and a Piggy ramp. I want a Fozzy mode with Fart Shoes. I want the theme tune to be played A LOT. I want mana mana and Animal drumming and Gonzo blowing his trumpet.
A mode with chickens would be good, and one with Kermit's little nephew half way up the stairs, and one that paid homage to all those wonderful films (In Space, Treasure Island, Scrooge, the road trips, the new one last year with Walter). Maybe in the wizard mode, Kermy could marry Miss Piggy? Or Statler and Waldorf could give commentary throughout a mode. Or....


Muppets pinball would be epic

C'mon guys. I know loads of you have heard the rumours. And Stern put a 'which muppet are you' questionnaire link thing up on FB. So maybe something will finally materialise at last

Ooooooo can we go nuts imagineering a Muppets table??can we can we can we?

I want a Kermit and a Piggy ramp. I want a Fozzy mode with Fart Shoes. I want the theme tune to be played A LOT. I want mana mana and Animal drumming and Gonzo blowing his trumpet.
A mode with chickens would be good, and one with Kermit's little nephew half way up the stairs, and one that paid homage to all those wonderful films (In Space, Treasure Island, Scrooge, the road trips, the new one last year with Walter). Maybe in the wizard mode, Kermy could marry Miss Piggy? Or Statler and Waldorf could give commentary throughout a mode. Or....


Muppets pinball would be epic

Sounds like you would like a Muppets pin Dan ?
I reckon the Muppets is a fine theme for a Pin. And there's absolutely stacks of music and audio to choose from.

If they don't get the mnah mnah song in there somewhere then it's a travesty.
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