This is a replica Phurba dagger made by United Cutlery that I have used on my Shadow as a topper for years.
It was brought with a machine and presented to me as an original prop by the seller in what be came "mintshadowgate" involving @Will but it is a replica.
Originally mounted on the playfield (see the last picture) I had a custom bracket made so it will mount as shown. It can of course be taken out of the bracket to be displayed however you want. I am fairly sure I have the stuff that was used to mount i8tb on the playfield which I will include if I can dig it out but be warned its fairly basic. Only selling it as I have made a new topper
Its about 360mm tall and very sharp, if you ever stabbed anyone with it I would like to see what forensics came up with as the murder weapon!
Very heavy!
Have I said its a replica?
£60 posted to the UK
It was brought with a machine and presented to me as an original prop by the seller in what be came "mintshadowgate" involving @Will but it is a replica.
Originally mounted on the playfield (see the last picture) I had a custom bracket made so it will mount as shown. It can of course be taken out of the bracket to be displayed however you want. I am fairly sure I have the stuff that was used to mount i8tb on the playfield which I will include if I can dig it out but be warned its fairly basic. Only selling it as I have made a new topper
Its about 360mm tall and very sharp, if you ever stabbed anyone with it I would like to see what forensics came up with as the murder weapon!
Very heavy!
Have I said its a replica?
£60 posted to the UK