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The Hobbit (early) shipment


Site Supporter
10 Years
Oct 21, 2013
So against my better judgement and advice to WAIT, a couple of customers want their Hobbit NOW, RIGHT NOW! So if anyone else wants to get theirs early (against my advice to wait for bugs to be ironed out) AND wants to pay the extra freight of doing a tiny shipment (£300-400 per game) shoot me an email and I will add you to the list of those due to receive The Hobbit sometime in June (regular orders should be filled pre xmas)


As a buyer who was in on the first WOZ shipment I would wait. Lost a handful of LED boards within the first few months before they changed the design
Fools. They wanna pay an extra £400 to have a defective product ..... then no doubt they will also complain. Oh well.
Why is everyone assuming it will be defective? Surely lessons have been learnt from WOZ, and this has been an epic time coming so not like it's being rushed out the door.

It certainly won't be good for JJP's cash flow if the majority of their customers are holding off for 6 months before placing an order.
Why is everyone assuming it will be defective? Surely lessons have been learnt from WOZ, and this has been an epic time coming so not like it's being rushed out the door.
er ...... because so far n=1 and they have a 100% record of first-ones-out-the-door-don't-work-properly.

i agree that if everything is hunky dory this time around, that for no.3 everyone will be confident, but the reason for people's concern is purely based on history. cmon @Sgt GrizZ you know this, are you just bristling for an argument?

let's do it, BIATCH!
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I'm happy with pre- Xmas, I remember the WOZ issues I had all too well!

In fact still got a couple of issues I need to address....
How many Stern's have had issues straight out the box? I wouldn't blame JJP for having them with only their 2nd pin. A lot of it is new hardware too so it's back to square one win a lot of it
I'm happy with pre-xmas, also got an issue I need to address, getting the rest of the cash together! plus far to tight and not wealthy enough to blow £400 because I want it now!...... would be nice though :rolleyes:
That's before considering the advice of someone who has seen it, done it and prints the T shirts!
I'm waiting (in case I was not clear)
Don't keep mentioning the price, it reminds me I have gone mad and lost my soul in the depths of this hobby!:cuckoo:
And I didn't pre-order.....wish Phil found my name on the pre-order list by magic though
led boards and control totally changed on hobbit over woz so should be no issues there i do know people who have had woz over 2 years now and never had an led board yet
I am one who wants early shipping. I think I have waited long enough from initial order (JAN 2013) and stayed with this pre-order through all the BS... from the over and then under delivered promises and missed deadline after deadline.
In fairness, it wasn't £6000 if you pre ordered, that was based on US$ at a better rate, the $ price hasn't actually gone up that much. The £ has just bombed.... Most of the guys in on the pre order (and I think most are at £6500) are 80% paid up, so the $$$ have been bought and sent to JJP.

Not had any issues on my test Hobbit but in 2 wks its off to TILT! so lets see how it gets on in a location!

Not yet. Hard to convince an operator to chuck out 50% more than a NIB Stern Pro.
I think on a location with a high turnover of different customers ie coastal arcades , the Hobbit should be a coin gobbler. it looks stunning. any DM game placed next to it is going to look "old" even a GB
The display on GB may look dated but I think GB would probably give TH a run for it's money. Anticipation for GB has been huge, would be interesting to know which is getting the most preorders.
to the average punter Hobbit will look more enticing. I believe WOZ is very popular at Chief with the newbies. As both games will be at TILT shortly it will be an interesting "battle" for the £1 coins. With of course TAF the olde faithful always in contention
I don't have this on order but 'bird in hand' springs to mind. Think I would rather have the game in my home than another 6 months waiting. New investors are cutting BOM wherever possible so who knows if later models will be better or worse.
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