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The Great Indiana Jones Dilemma

Fintan Stack

10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Anyone that has ever spent a fair whack of time playing IJ will know about the mode hole issue. (For anyone that doesn't know, the ball will bounce out of the mode start saucer more often than not.) So my question is, do I do something to try and improve the bounce out percentage or do I just accept that this is the way the game was made so it should be left alone? Do you consider it a design flaw like many do or do you just think it adds to the challenge?
I'd be interested to hear opinions. I do find it really frustrating. Especially after 3 or 4 direct hits in a row bounce out. (It's even worse if it results in a drain.) But I don't want to cheat either!
So what do you guys reckon? :noidea:
If i could fix my TZ so i don't get the bounce out of the extra ball/lock ball shot i would everytime. It is a hard enought shot as it is and if you score a direct hit, the machine is cheating you, not the other way around.
Just my opinion.
I say fix it :whip:

Chuck some foam or a blue rubber square in the back of the hole and that should sort it out.
I would try to fix it in a way it can't be seen but I would not consider it part of the design. It is a flaw they never got to fix properly but I have played machines that were "fixed" and they were a lot more enjoyable to play.
It did have a fix Dean, I bought some really soft foam that absorbed the ball energy and stopped it dead. Trouble was I never did fit it permanently as I wasn't sure it would work. It came off and I never got round to putting it back.

Andy N commented that it was the best fix he had seen and you rarely got a bounce. I'll have a look and see if I still have any of the foam left.
Thanks for the replies fellas. So the general opinion would be to do something about it. Hopefully I might finanlly get all modes completed in 1 game. Absolutely nowhere near it so far!!

Steve - Sounds great, thank you! If you can remember what type of foam it was I'll try and track some down online.

Hi Dean,
i'll stick a few small pieces of two different types of foam in an envelope and post it to you tomorrow.
Hi Dean,
i'll stick a few small pieces of two different types of foam in an envelope and post it to you tomorrow.

I love you Dan. We should run away together. 👅

Cheers Buddy! Really appreciate it.
+10 Pinball Karma Points.
Anyone got any tips for the wizard hole on MM? Mine keeps going into, and then out of there without staying in most of the time... :(
I love you Dan. We should run away together. 👅

right, i dug the foam out of the garage - see:


turns out i have a roll of the dark wide stuff that is for replacing beer seals under the lockdown bar, and a roll of the thin white stuff that is designed for putting behind standup targets etc, and a short strip of something else that may even have been sold as being for putting in saucers to reduce bounce out.

so i'll cut you a bit off that third one (only an inch or so, as i only have a short bit of that one) .... and you're welcome to a few inches of each of the other two *but* as you can see, they're rolled round onto themselves so when i unpeel a bit there's no backing paper to keep it usable in transit. any ideas? clingfilm perhaps?

if anyone else is desperate for a slice of one of the rolls, send me a message and i'm sure i can give some away for a beer IOU at a future show.
right, i dug the foam out of the garage - see:

View attachment 273

turns out i have a roll of the dark wide stuff that is for replacing beer seals under the lockdown bar

Thats the stuff! The wide black one. It's sold as a replacement beer seal but expands too much for that. Perfect for stopping a ball dead though...
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