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The excitment of finding a pinball on site ruined.....


1 10 Years
Jul 17, 2014
.....ruined by screwing the bloody things down!!!

Basically, came across these on a rainy day trip to Great Yarmouth whilst on the Norfolk Broads yesterday (Friday). Fantastic to see pinball on site....but justill ruined by them being bolted down. So solid, no nudge what so ever. Even physically shoving as hard as I felt comfortable doing without kicking that *******, it would not budge. Totally ruined the experience. Very fast drains due to this. Easily saved balls just washed away down the drain. Shame as they were in great condition...except the WOZ had its GI out...



They were amazingly loud mind...that was mint!

Yes, it's very frustrating trying to play Ghostbusters there without being able to nudge the game! I quite often play those games in Great Yarmouth when I'm over visiting the family. Ghostbusters needs to be nudged around with those wide spaced flippers.

The playfield inserts on WOZ were all flashing random colours when I was there last, and the twinkie target is jammed in the up position making the game virtually unplayable. :(
I've often thought about posting some close-up shots of the brackets screwed into the side of the cabinets on Pinside - just to see the reaction... :popcorn: :-o
@I TiltAlot , great to hear I'm not the only one! so frustrating isn't it! ghostbusters was amazingly loud and super clean (as it should be right now) and really enjoyed it right until that first moment I went to nudge it.....what a crapper!!!!

WOZ I agree is unplayable. it was so dark it was that put me off straight away. had one game just to say I played it there....other than that...it was awful!

One of the arcades in Brighton used to have a Theatre Of Magic set up like that. Double disappointment! :-D

Thankfully Aladdins (sadly long gone) had 6 of Dave Roberts machines in tip top condition. Happy days.

My other great disappointment was finding that a Demo Man ( a game I despised) I had sold to a local operator was now installed in one of my local pubs. Back to haunt me! Aaaaaagh :-D
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