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The Avengers - tell me about it :)

Sgt GrizZ

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
As you know I am always interested in the underdog games, the misunderstood, the unfairly ignored , the overlooked, the runts ..... the forgotten heroes possibly :D

Avengers seems to have been largely forgotten about these days. Cant remember last time I heard anyone even mention it ??

So - people who have played The Avengers a decent amount or owned one for any length of time ........... what's the deal ? Good, bad .... I want to hear it. I'm genuinely interested having only ever had a few token games on it , EAG I think.

I played a fairly poorly kept one for a few hours in Doha airport recently, and my takeaway from the experience was while not being entirely un-fun, the design overall is bad.

All the shots are super tight and difficult to hit reliably - some almost impossible due to the opposing angles of the entry and the ramp (Black Widow), the UFO doesn't stick when shot in the intended way so becomes a random thing, air balls happen all over the place, and worst of all, there are multiple places for the ball to get stuck (hulk arms, the spinner - I was even trying to shake a ball loose from a plastic sign in the entry lane) and it does so almost every ball.

The one I played on failed due to lost balls pretty much every game, sometimes started a 3 ball game, sometimes 4, and quite often sent two balls to the plunger. It must get a hammering at the airport, but for a game that's only 6 years old, it doesn't really bode well for the engineering. This one could certainly have done with some maintenance love, but from what I hear if you own one you will be constantly under the glass.

I don't think i've ever played a pinball I like less. ?
I like it. Gomez has been a bit too ambitious with the shot entries and they are tight (like Houdini tight). The hulk is a PITA but if adjusted well is not too bad for trapping the ball. The centre lighting is poor and I don't like the ball rolling across the top of the plastics instead of using ramps. Cube is pointless.
Game wise its pretty good, if you like X-Men, you'll probably like Avengers. Feels similar.
I LOVE The Avengers …… A challenging game that keeps you coming back for more, the call outs vary and the music is appropriate and never becomes monotonous or boring. I would recommend the pin to any Marvel fan.

The only place I get ball stuck is Hulk arms but you get used to that and the ball lost mechanism eventually finds it and releases it back into play …… A caught ball or two actually helps during multiball !!!
It's quite a fun game. Mine is at @Telboy 's house and he has tweaked it so there are hardly ever any stuck balls now. He's also made it too hard for me to get a good score... :mad:?

If it is set up on easyish settings (Like I had it when it was at home :)) it becomes multiball after multiball as all of the main shots will start a different multiball, when it's set harder (like it is now) you need to hit them more times to earn the multiball, and as the shots are tight it's quite hard to get them going.
Yes I like the game hulk can be adjusted undo the shaft under the playfield and adjust the height a bit to allow ball to pass under them it is set to factory for league play don't really suffer from air balls just needs to be set up right I really like the game as do most that visit

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