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Dave Bishop

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Sidcup, Kent
Hi All

got a question regarding the TAF Bookcase.

recently, when shooting the right orbit shot the ball is going airborne and hitting the metal ramp that ball plunges from.

Looking at the bookcase, there is a bit of tilt/ side-to-side movement. This is giving a 1-2mm lip on bookcase hole that I think the ball is hitting..

how do I adjust this? Should it have that movement?

I have what I think is a shim that I think is what is used but it’s not in the manual..

If it is used where does it slot into...

The question is, does the lip get more or less pronounced when the bookcase is open?
If the same then I used some thing like that to perch out one side.
I set mine up closed and then a dip appears when the bookcase opens. It is on the right side so the ball drops in and straight down the middle....
Have you a manual.? Should tell you how to level up the bookcase and show you where the shim goes.
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It goes where #1 is on diagram.
I thought it was shown but it's not on my manual either.
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Looks to me like you need to tighten the bookcase up. To do that you need two Philips screwdrivers and preferably a helper. Put one screwdriver in the head of screw 43 in the diagram, and the other in the head of screw 38. To access screw 38 you have to remove the top of the bookcase by undoing screws 19, and then lifting out the board 20.

Once you have got a screwdriver in both screws 38 and 43 you can tighten 43 while preventing 38 from rotating, and that tightens up the whole bookcase and makes it nice and stable. Its actually quite a hard feat to pull of by yourself but with a helper to hold one screwdriver while you turn the other it's pretty straightforward,
You may find that 43 has become completely unscrewed and dropped onto the cab floor.
@Mfresh this is likely the issue, the screw (43) has a lot of play in it, and won’t tighten from underneath.

thanks, was have trouble reading the diagram.
Just as my helper went home :rolleyes:

will lol at it tomorrow

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