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Strange under playfield kicker fault, magnetised ?


Site Supporter
1 10 Years
Oct 26, 2014
This is a really basic bit of kit. All cleaned, new coil sleeve. Yet it sometimes sticks

It appears that the coil bracket 01-9433, becomes magnetised, so the spring is unable to return the plunger to its home position

image.jpg image.jpg

What is the fix for this please ? I have put a stronger return spring in, that seems to have helped but it is still not 100 per cent.

Is it possible to demagnetise the bracket, or do I heed to buy new parts ?

Which mech is that mate? I find the steps lane diverter (bottom left of the pf next to the shooter lane) sticks open. You can hear the solenoid buzzing quietly and it resets itself as soon as you hit the flippers, the vibration is enough. Annoying though when it happens after the last ball drains as you have to either start a new game or turn it off to shut it up
It is this one ...


If you get two balls into the mirror hole in quick succession, they roll down to this mech via the subway. The first ball kicks out ok, but the pressure of the second ball on the plunger seems to prevent it from opening again.

I found that the coil bracket was ever so slightly magnetised. If you lift the playield up and trigger the microswitch by hand, the plunger occasionally refuses to reset. If you nudge it gently by hand, it resets. so I wonder if magnetism is the nub of it ?
How about using a piece of fish paper with a hole in it to prevent the bell end :D touching the bracket? the spring would hold it in place.
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@Spandangler , i had the problem with the steps diverter too. And i had it with twilight zone which has a similar mechanism

I solved it by carefully cleaning and polishing everything as the solenoid is so weak, any resistance in the mech can cause it to fail. Solvol autosol on the metal. Isopropyl alcohol too.

The key though is to smooth the rough edges of the split pin. This tends to stick. A gentle file then wet and dry paper wrapped round the file sorted mine out on both games
Thanks mate. I've had it to bits and polished it but maybe I need to polish it some more
Take a look at the split pin, that is probably the cause
If you need it de-magging, send it to me. I'm sure our de-magnetiser survived the flooding at work.
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That is very kind thank you. I need this machine for the league a week today. If it plays up in the meantime I will do the fishpaper thing as a temp fix, then be in touch!

I lived in leeds for 4 years. Miss the beef dripping chips. Hard to find around here. But the cods scallops in nottingham offers this culinary delight
Thank you for the advice and the offers of help here.

I sanded the scarred/ "ringed" coil bracket to soften the edges imprinted by the bell armature assembly.

I also swapped the bell armature assembly for one I had in stock

Funhouse stood up to a day's league play, without missing a beat so I think I have cured it

My guess is that there is some temporary hot welding caused by the impact of the bell armature on the scarred and worn coil bracket
That is very kind thank you. I need this machine for the league a week today. If it plays up in the meantime I will do the fishpaper thing as a temp fix, then be in touch!

I lived in leeds for 4 years. Miss the beef dripping chips. Hard to find around here. But the cods scallops in nottingham offers this culinary delight
Fish and chips are nice around here. A little TOO nice. :(
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