I've got about 5 ohms across both coils, I've got continuity between the the red/yellow power wire and J10 and the orange/grey and J9.
When I hold the tester on DC on the power board on the right flipper wires while my son tested the right flipper I get a burst of voltage, when doing the same for the left flipper nothing.
I'm getting well out of my depth here but I think the problem is on the power board I think its component Q15 which I think is a diode (there is a note in the manual on the assembly page no diode on the assembly, its on the power board and I can't see a mosfets mentioned anywhere).
I really messed up when I went to put the playfield up on end to trace the wire, the right hand side came off the rails and dropped, the whole thing got stuck and the metal stud that should sit in the left hand rail runner has gouged the inside of the cabinet. The right hand side of the play field got stuck under the rail and I could not move the playfield at all. I managed to undo two of the three bolts on the rail and to push it vertical and lift the back end of the playfield while my wife held the front up and put the under playfield legs on the front of the cabinet at this point the whole thing was stable enough to put the rail back where is should be.
I've powered back up and it looks like everything is flashing/working baring the left flipper which is good, but I've broken the right-hand ramp where it screws into the upright post and a plastic below it, doh!
Looks like I might need to get a pro to look at the power board, I'm based in Bridgwater, Somerset, does anyone know of a good repair guy local to me?