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Special When Lit Friday Night League Jan + Feb 2019


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 18, 2011
Started last Friday night. Play six machines three times over two months. All scores ranked on each machine. Each player's top three scores to count. Every score to be recorded and witnessed. Last qualifying night will be Friday 15th February.

Top eight players (subject to 16 people entering) qualify for the knockout and final on Friday 22nd February (the last Friday of the two month period). Head-to-head best of five games in the knockout and final. WPPR points will be awarded.

Cost: £1 for three games on one machine. Unlimited qualifying attempts but each attempt will cost you £1 for 3 games.

Current standings after week 1:

Week 1.png
I forgot to list the league machines... They are:

Attack From Mars
Terminator 2
Pink Panther
The Friday night league is really taking off. It's not too late to take part, just turn up on Friday night...! 1f603.png

Current Standings 18/01/19

Week 3.png
Current standings after week 4 - 26/01/19.

Showing minus 2 cards for Chris Foster due to software issues. Will try and resolve then update over the weekend.

Week 4 incomplete.png
Software issues resolved, it was rather late last night so I missed a hidden tab.

Friday Night League Standings after 25/01/19. A further 3 Friday evenings remain (up to and including 15th Feb) and it's still not too late to take part..!

Week 4.png
01/02/19: There is no change to the Friday night league standings, it was effectively snowed off...
Due to the success of the January and February Friday Night league, we will be continuing with a March and April Friday Night league. We already have ranking approval. So what games would you like to play in the league?

Pick two from:
The Dark Knight
Star Wars
The Simpsons Pinball Party

Pick Two from:
Monster Bash
Theatre of Magic
Cactus Canyon
Pinball Magic
Scared Stiff

Pick Two From:
Space Hawks
Dark Shadow
Just this Friday 15th February left for qualifying with the Finals taking place on Friday 22nd February.
Confirmed qualifying positions from the Jan + Feb Friday night league. With 15 players taking part the top 6 progress. The final is next Friday 22nd February.

Congratulations to Greg on winning the first Friday night league at Special When Lit. ?

Full results from the Jan + Feb Friday night league as follows:

New league for March and April starts next week..!

Machines will be:
Batman: TDK
Metallica LE
Monster Bash
Theatre Of Magic
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