paul parker
Wanted sended expander board and Backbox bolts for my eightball deluxe
Hi Steve mine was missing and I need the bolts for the backbox aswelkis your solenoid expander board missing or just not working?,you can replace the ic cheaply
OK il source the bolts myself I'm just mainly after the expander board so I can play itI may have one in my spares but i'd need to check,backbox bolts are 3/8-16 part threaded and you want about 3 inch long ones,pinballmania sells them,or just search ebay,there are probably loads on there
Hi Steve I don' suppose you have any of the metal supports that hold a solenoid board in the backbox do youI may have one in my spares but i'd need to check,backbox bolts are 3/8-16 part threaded and you want about 3 inch long ones,pinballmania sells them,or just search ebay,there are probably loads on there
OK cheers steveI don't have a spare solenoid expander im afraid,I may have some spare supports when I recieve my next project pin,but martin hasn't delivered it yet