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So which one will be in homes first?


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
We're in exciting times with regards to promised titles but so far there has been a lot of noise about releases but nothing has actually arrived on site yet.

What order do we think these will actually turn up in the UK and be properly playable (ie Code at a decent stage even if not 100% complete)?

The Hobbit
Captain Nemo
P3 (might have got the name wrong)
An unknown Stern (possibly Kiss or Superman?)
Full Throttle
Walking Dead LE

My Guesses would be

TWD -shipped Nov 14 but no real code until Feb/march at earliest
MMr - Jan 15?
Predator feb/march 15?
Full Throttle - Easter?
Hobbit (june 15 - shipped from Jan but with poor code initially?)
New Stern - Easter (with code 6 months later)
TBL Early 2016?
Captin Nemo - nnever?
P3 - Never?

Too optimistic or too pessimistic?
Just a few change in there I think John, UK houses that is;

TWD - Dec 2014
MMr - Mar 2015
Hobbit Mar 2015
New Stern - Easter (with code 6 months later)
Predator Jul 2015
TBL Aug 2015
Full Throttle - Never
Captin Nemo - never?
P3 - Never?
TWD LE - January
Full Throttle - February
MMr - March
New Stern - Easter (Iron Maiden or Jaws, based on Underlord's postings on Pinside. He seems very close to the knowledge)
Hobbit - July
TBL - late 2015
been told TWD LE should be late november early december so that should be first, haven`t a clue about the others
based on infos on pinside, nemo is done isnt it. the guy is putting them together this summer now everything is final. certainly looks awesome!
based on infos on pinside, nemo is done isnt it. the guy is putting them together this summer now everything is final. certainly looks awesome!
It must have changed a lot since the euro's in Spain 2013, it was a dog at that stage!
The timing is terrible for everyone: when everyone should be grokking over The Hobbit video, they're all simultaneously deluged with videos of The Walking Dead and The Big Lebowski and Predator, all ready to buy.

Plus of course Experts at Dangerous, Whoa Nellie, Most Haunted, Full Throttle, Medieval Madness Remake, Wrath of Olympus and whatever else I've forgotten.

These titles are all competing against each other for the same pool of money. It could end up being a disaster where nobody sells more than a few hundred machines.

It's a pinball avalanche
I'm with Dan about them all competing for the same pool of money.

Maybe a few people will buy 2 or 3 but I suspect most will have to make decisions about which of them to buy. Predator will be OK as it's half the price of the others and limited to 250. Wouldn't be surprised if MMr only get the limited version out and we never see the "normal" run, Given there is now a "smaug" of the Hobbit pin I really can't ever see the other version selling out. Whoa Nellie is going to be a hard sell unless it is REALLY cheap. If you like that type of machine then why not just buy an old EM in really good nick?
I suspect the announcement of Aliens might actually kill initial sales of Full Throttle. Can't work out if Andy has been daft with announcing his second title before shipping his first or really clever here. Although I think he's just cannibalised sales of his first game if enough people buy the Aliens system then it suddenly becomes far more attractive to then go back and buy other tables to slot into it. Maybe we'll see very low sales initially on TF but good sales over time as the other games come out. Great long term plan but a potential cashflow nightmare until he's at that tipping point of people owning the system..

Potentially really good times for customers but I'd be nervous about parting with too much money upfront for anything at this stage as I suspect at least one of these titles will never happen:(

Surely as well all this increase in supply must push down second hand prices. I know SM has dropped about £500 in the last year but most still seem to be holding firm. Maybe the correction will really only happen as and when the new titles come out. From my own point of view I know I'll only really be selling when I get the call and a firm delivery date as I don't want to be sitting here with a gap in my collection. In theory MMr should have been here 4 months ago, so I'm glad I didn't sell then.
Exactly the reason why buying a high end, high cost used pin is a bit of bad idea right now.

Lets see how it pans out over chrimbo.
Only a bad idea if seeing yr money back or making money on it when/if you sell is a priority. It's that attitude that I think is gonna have to change, certainly with some of the older titles.

So, you often sell pins at a loss? Let me know when your selling next....hehe.:thumbs: Seeing your money back on a pin is not a fairy tale scenario. Its 100% reality if you bought smart and didn't pay a ridiculous price.

High priced stuff is harder to sell and takes longer time to move on. If you're into playing lots of games in a relatively short amount of time it would be a bad idea to buy anything too high priced. You may find yourself wanting one of these new machines only to find you cant move on your high end pin because the price is too high for other pinheads to accept over them buying the exact same new pins you yourself are vying for. That what I meant by it being a 'bad idea'. All in my own humble opinion of course.

If its a keeper, then buy buy buy. If not...beware the high priced pinball machine.
p.s Noticed that he's setup a separate company to take payment (Heighway Pinball Sales vs Heighway Pinball). My guess is that this is to 'ring fence' the money coming in, which would kinda fly against my previous thoughts about him needed Aliens pre-order money to build FT.

My experience with this double company thing has not been good in the past. Once worked for CompanyA and got paid by CompanyAInc. The company with employees had not money and the company with money had no employees. when something went south, oh no money to pay the employee's.. how fortunate that neither CompanyA or CompanyAInc have any legal responsibility to each other..

I hope this all works out well for everyone involved, but I'll be staying very far away. Outside of Stern, pinball has become too much of a pre-order gamble with no garuntee you'll get anything out of it.
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