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so..... is there a sad bastards' chat forum like there used to be?


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
used to be it was 2 am i was ****ed and bored and all my friends were asleep so i came here on the forum and there was a chatroom for the *really* sad bastards to chat on. mostly it was was me and Rudi but sometimes some other losers would happen by.

is that not a thing now?
Maybe somebody could set a Discord channel up for those that would like to chat?
We used to have one... however it was only used by a handful of people, so was removed. If there is a call for it then i can always look for a new version. Whatsapp groups are really taylored for group chats... Not online forums!
Rather some sort of off topic chat thread here, WhatsApp's run by evil people, Discord channel is alright I guess, but yet another place to check.

Although the only time I'm awake at 2am these days is when I get up for a wee
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