Over the years I’ve lost count of the same pins through my hands 99% of them Ball/will inc many of the greats like 4xMB 3xMM 3-4
AFM ect ect and many of the not so greats like TAF, FT, HS2 (at the time these were 2 a penny) the list goes on and on but My record was 9-10 FH. I just seemed to collect them for some strange reason.
My 1st ever pin in 91 was FH and a few more pins started to trickle in so I put it in a local bar.
It got absolutely trashed and the proprietor rang me to say he saw 6 blokes almost holding it upside down and when approached they said the ball was stuck in the hole.
I brought it home fixed it up and sold it to a local Taxi Rank.
early 2k saw the flood gates open and I was getting old pins like FH for a couple hundred quid and I missed Rudy so decided to grab some more.
I dropped a few of these off at ChrisBs and he made me a really nice minty one out of them that a mate now has. The rest were scrapped or sold and I still have spares lying around but no longer own one. Mad times