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Sailing / racing around the world single handed - Nov 2024

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
I don't know if we have any sailors on board ;) ...or anyone who might be interested but anyway.

Mrs GrizZ's sister , Pippa, is a professional sailor with years of solo ocean racing experience. She will be competing in the Vendee Globe single handed round the world race in 2020 - if you don't know sailing this race is as BIG as it gets. It's the Everest of sailing. Gets huge media attention around the world. The pinnacle of a sailors career. It's an epic challenge but Pip is hard as nails and will accept nothing less than winning it :D

She is looking for major corporate sponsors so if any of you guys are in a position to pull any strings or put her in touch with people let me know or you can contact her through her website :thumbs:


She is currently racing across the Atlantic , updates on her Official Facebook page.

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Media interest is beginning to ramp up on this - Pip has just had this feature in the Daily Mail

Still looking for more sponsorship so any companies interested do get in touch.

The boat is awesome - I went down and had a crawl around inside it. Hardcore ocean racer!

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Good luck to her, I’ve had a few small fishing boats and crapped myself a few times and that’s with land in sight!!!
Did you know boat stands for ‘bring out another thousand’
Good luck with the sponsorship👍

Sent from my D5833 using Tapatalk
That's a tough race, but almost as tough is raising the money! Good luck!

I wrote one of the autopilot systems for Ellen McArthur's attempt 20 years ago, the idea being to use wave sensors and mega accurate gyros to predict drift and nudge the boat by fractions of a degree into the most efficient path. The level of testing and investment that went into it was enormous even then - I'd imagine even more so now. Nearly didn't get to the start line when late on they added some additional computing power and the weight stopped the self-righting capsize tests from getting the boat up upright again!

Was a scary time waking up each day and hoping that during one of her 15min naps the boat hadn't steered itself into an island somewhere!
That's a tough race, but almost as tough is raising the money! Good luck!

I wrote one of the autopilot systems for Ellen McArthur's attempt 20 years ago, the idea being to use wave sensors and mega accurate gyros to predict drift and nudge the boat by fractions of a degree into the most efficient path. The level of testing and investment that went into it was enormous even then - I'd imagine even more so now. Nearly didn't get to the start line when late on they added some additional computing power and the weight stopped the self-righting capsize tests from getting the boat up upright again!

Was a scary time waking up each day and hoping that during one of her 15min naps the boat hadn't steered itself into an island somewhere!

Wow. That's very interesting. I'm seeing her at the weekend and I'll be able to tell her one of the pinheads helped Ellen McArthur :thumbs:

And yes the financing is tough ....but it's a lifelong dream and this is her shot at it. So its happening one way or the other :D

17 out of 27 at the moment i believe. Passed NZ and heading towards Cape Horn. It must be pretty amazing.
The first boats are arriving tonight. A really tight finish after 80 days of racing. Disappointed that I couldn't find anything about it on the BBC.
The first boats are arriving tonight. A really tight finish after 80 days of racing. Disappointed that I couldn't find anything about it on the BBC.
where does the race finish? You can always email the newsrooms - they've been a bit preoccupied with a pandemic and inventing entirely new ways of working with less staff this year.

EDIT: BBC Cambridge (local news) covered it on 25th Jan 2021: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-cambridgeshire-54966120

This from November 2020: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-54786716

It was also mentioned in Woman's Hour!
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Greetings Pip fans !

Well incredibly its 4 years on and my sis in law Pip has been working non stop with a new boat for the next Vendee Globe Round The World non stop solo race starting in November .

I know some of you guys move in corporate circles or with the sort of folk that could be interested in the benefits of a sponsorship deal with Pip. She has had a bit of a set back with sponsors in the last year and tbh the budget is on a knife edge so putting a shout out. If you have any leads or want more info contact the team.

Major sponsorship link

Individuals and smaller sponsorship link


For you guys that are interested or followed her races before the next one is at the end of May starting in New York..

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Awesome video, I am inspired. Best of luck to her.

A huge part of the Pip ethos is to inspire - she often gives presentations to young folk who are fascinated by her adventures and how she got there by hard work and determination over many years, all earned , nothing handed on a plate. She is also passionate about promoting one of the few sports in which women compete as equals with men .
Just an update for anyone interested.

The start of the 2024 Vendee is really close now. A couple of months. Pip had a great finish in her last Vendee transatlantic race in May , New York to France , getting a Top 10 placing :clap: We were out there for the start , and also fitted in seeing The Rolling Stones ....! :cool: Obviously Pip had the moves like Jagger with that result.
She also now has another major Sponsor onboard but still looking for any other individuals or companies that would like to get involved - huge publicity opportunities. Links a few posts above.

The Vendee Round The World Solo is as tough as it gets in sailing and is a massive event in France, with huge numbers visiting the race village in the weeks leading up to the race start. Pip is only the 8th woman in history to have completed it - in 2020. We will be out there for the start of it with the team and family and friends :) Getting pretty excited now - its an epic race.

Her Youtube channel Pip Hare Ocean Racing has a ton of great videos covering all aspects of the race, the preparation and sailing in general.


Pip also has a book published just ahead of the race , which will get national press coverage - she has been on Radio 4, BBC TV several times already.
You can pre order it here.

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