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Sack truck


Site Supporter
Oct 6, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
Which design is better for moving pinball tables short distances, P-handle or double handle? Both similar spec and price at Screwfix. The P-handle is taller, wider and deeper, both 250kg capable.

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I use the lifting system part code W1F3Y...they are a touch noisy, and after the second pinball can create an annoying sound. Definitely prone to a screeching noise on 3+ pinballs.....High maintenance also, but excellent for stairs and they have a cleaning module attached so Hoover afterwards......if you can find one with a beer attachment then even better......many have a built in Audio command system...very good but this can glitch at times as the older the system the less able they can interpret the commands........can also be quite costly in early stages of ownership..however, my house came with one preinstalled so didn't see the point is spending more money....

PS - after a few years they give add ons such as PN - K1d5- these smaller add ons that can drive lawn mowers and hold screw and bolts when stripping pinballs....very useful but have a host of other problems too long to mention
Double handle I find you have to tilt at a greater pitch, so when negotiating lots of 90deg corners it's a little harder to move round. Single handle you can have a little more upright as the spare hand can steady the pin and you can pivot easier
Cheers chaps, think I'm erring towards the p-handle. The larger dimensions should make it more stable and I'm unlikely to need to fit it in my car. Only £29.99 and convenient to pick up at my local store.
With the P handle you can start the lift with one hand (as it's central) and use your other hand to grab the coin return slot to help the pin pivot. That's my technique anyway...

The two handled one looks like it has a deeper truck plate, so that's better, but I'm not sure how I'd manage to navigate sharp corners with two handles. For me is usually a case of one hand on the P and another on the lockdown bar.

Horses for courses...

Used to use two handled one - you find that you end up having to bend down to grab the handles when tilted, and then get the machine digging into your arms.

I would imagine, loaded, two handles would be more stable, however P-handle would be easier to guide about...
Two handles is what I have and whilst it's fine it can be trickier in tight spaces as the handles are wide.

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this is turning into an epic poll, so i may as well pitch in - a vote here for single p-handle
is anyone keeping tabs on who's winning?
I love the sack trolley I have because it is perfect. It is almost a mixed of the two. It is like the two handle jobbie but not flaired out where the handles are but has bar connecting where the two handles would be, so it's an all in one frame like the top of the p handle trolley. I suspect it is an antique version of the two handle trolley which was produced before someone decided two handles was a better way forward than a bar...
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