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Rottendog System 6 boards


Mar 17, 2022
Bexhill on Sea
Has anyone any experience of Rottendog System 6 boards. I am about to restore a Williams Flash with the usual connector issues + Acid damage etc. Even If I successfully repair them I still have old electronics over 40 years old Like with early Gottliebs, I am thinking out with the old and in with the new! Comments would be appreciated
Talking to a few people and I've heard about issues with rotten dog boards (nostly the replacement PSU side) and they are not that loved.

I've got a Jungle Lord with board issues and have managed to get a Pinball Technologies NW7 replacement board with covers the MPU, driver and sound board in one but not managed to get round to installing it yet so can't say how good are. JL is also System 7 and don't think the rotten dog boards work with S7 anymore. I had to email the maker to get one and they sent me an invoice, couldn't get it directly on a site.

There is also an DIY FPGA version that there are plans for with just replaces the MPU and Driver board so you need a working sound card or DIY alternative, the only issues with these are you have to have them built yourself as batch of 5 minimum for the board and then get the FPGA separately but last time I check they were fairly reasonably priced to the point where it would be cheaper to replace the main board than pay someone to replace a failed components on one, I'm sure it was something like £50 ish per board and then the FPGA price on top. The boards when built are mostly surface mount components with some socketed logic chips but the surface mount chips likely to fail be damaged have through hole sections on the PCB to make replacement easier.


There is also Williams Sys11 system in progress as well.

A third option which I think is a bit more work is the Arduino Pinball Controller (APC) which covers a lot of different machine boards it can replace. (Plans and links on the same lisy. Dev site as above.)
Talking to a few people and I've heard about issues with rotten dog boards (nostly the replacement PSU side) and they are not that loved.

I've got a Jungle Lord with board issues and have managed to get a Pinball Technologies NW7 replacement board with covers the MPU, driver and sound board in one but not managed to get round to installing it yet so can't say how good are. JL is also System 7 and don't think the rotten dog boards work with S7 anymore. I had to email the maker to get one and they sent me an invoice, couldn't get it directly on a site.

There is also an DIY FPGA version that there are plans for with just replaces the MPU and Driver board so you need a working sound card or DIY alternative, the only issues with these are you have to have them built yourself as batch of 5 minimum for the board and then get the FPGA separately but last time I check they were fairly reasonably priced to the point where it would be cheaper to replace the main board than pay someone to replace a failed components on one, I'm sure it was something like £50 ish per board and then the FPGA price on top. The boards when built are mostly surface mount components with some socketed logic chips but the surface mount chips likely to fail be damaged have through hole sections on the PCB to make replacement easier.


There is also Williams Sys11 system in progress as well.

A third option which I think is a bit more work is the Arduino Pinball Controller (APC) which covers a lot of different machine boards it can replace. (Plans and links on the same lisy. Dev site as above.)
Thank you for this. I must admit I was unsure of the sound side of things as I was told you could not mix old and new boards with rottendog so how would you connect sound in flash let alone speech games like Gorgar Jungle Lord etc.
I run a rottendog mpu in my gorgar,the issue I had was the board had a badly designed screw hole that grounded an obselete chip on the switch matrix,luckily it was a known fault and I was able to modify the mounting bracket and use an adapter and a surface mount version of the obselete chip.I think the newer version of the mpu uses a different array of chips though,so you may be alright with that
Talking to a few people and I've heard about issues with rotten dog boards (nostly the replacement PSU side) and they are not that loved.

I've got a Jungle Lord with board issues and have managed to get a Pinball Technologies NW7 replacement board with covers the MPU, driver and sound board in one but not managed to get round to installing it yet so can't say how good are. JL is also System 7 and don't think the rotten dog boards work with S7 anymore. I had to email the maker to get one and they sent me an invoice, couldn't get it directly on a site.

There is also an DIY FPGA version that there are plans for with just replaces the MPU and Driver board so you need a working sound card or DIY alternative, the only issues with these are you have to have them built yourself as batch of 5 minimum for the board and then get the FPGA separately but last time I check they were fairly reasonably priced to the point where it would be cheaper to replace the main board than pay someone to replace a failed components on one, I'm sure it was something like £50 ish per board and then the FPGA price on top. The boards when built are mostly surface mount components with some socketed logic chips but the surface mount chips likely to fail be damaged have through hole sections on the PCB to make replacement easier.


There is also Williams Sys11 system in progress as well.

A third option which I think is a bit more work is the Arduino Pinball Controller (APC) which covers a lot of different machine boards it can replace. (Plans and links on the same lisy. Dev site as above.)
I have looked at the NV7 board but no-where can I find a price or where to order. the Pinball Technology website is most unhelpful
I can do a "Dumbass" System 3-7 board if you want one that is infinately more reliable.... CPU/Driver board all in one... Also the option for the Special solenoid board for this one (same as the system11) which prevents coils locking on - see top left of the below pic where it is shown as a piggyback module).

(Not my Pic)

Drop me a PM if interested. Will stick one on the next order from Victor anyhow.
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How much are those Paul? I'd be interested in some bare PCBs if possible.
How much are those Paul? I'd be interested in some bare PCBs if possible.
As per the agreement i have with Victor, I dont sell his boards currently. If you want those you need to go directly to him via pinside. Our agreement is for me to supply built boards to UK and EU only.

I havent priced up a built System 3-7 board yet. Didnt think there was any demand for it, however I'm happy to supply anything that he produces (and there is a LOT!).
Will get to it over the next week or so - Will update in the board thread here when done : https://www.pinballinfo.com/community/threads/new-replacement-boards-now-available.59349/
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