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Wanted Rollergames (Williams 1990)

Great choice Dan, I had one as my first pin. “Devastating, Go for the Wall, Rock n Rolla Games”. Some of the lines guaranteed to get stuck in your head for life 👍🏼
System 11 Steve Ritchie awesomeness
You might enjoy this video @cooldan

I was impressed at how authentically Williams recreated the TV show ....

Thanks Dave I’ve seen that.
Yes this will be my third RG. Robin had my first for 500, Tatty Adams my second for 1000. I love everything about the game except some of the excessive branding but it is just fun fun fun.

Cannot make pinfest sadly.
What you can’t say ar*e. ?
it's ok though Daz, you can say bum - she is #1, the red one on GE ia #2, the shiny one on Xenon is #3. not that i've studied them.

you got a RG, Daz?
it says Thermos on it 🧲

this wanted thread is still open.
Thanks Dave I’ve seen that.
Yes this will be my third RG. Robin had my first for 500, Tatty Adams my second for 1000. I love everything about the game except some of the excessive branding but it is just fun fun fun.

Cannot make pinfest sadly.

Did I sell you the 3rd one ? I got it off eBay and didn’t keep it long iirc ….?
It’s all a pinball blur
Did I sell you the 3rd one ? I got it off eBay and didn’t keep it long iirc ….?
It’s all a pinball blur
my 2nd one, yes you did, in August 2016 for £1000. good memory. Tatty got it next a few months later for the same price. That's how we kept the prices low back then.
2016 was one of my peak years for the rotating door policy i learned from TVWB - my records show that in 2016 i bought 10, sold 10, herd kept stable at 22

i've not had a 3rd one yet.... that's what this thread is for.
gif POST-PASS.gif
my 2nd one, yes you did, in August 2016 for £1000. good memory. Tatty got it next a few months later for the same price. That's how we kept the prices low back then.
2016 was one of my peak years for the rotating door policy i learned from TVWB - my records show that in 2016 i bought 10, sold 10, herd kept stable at 22

i've not had a 3rd one yet.... that's what this thread is for.
View attachment 256929
Yes …My memory is incredible - I bought it on eBay for 1k , from a seller in Poole , luckily my sister in law lives there so she collected , it lived in her van for a few weeks until we rendezvous’d at the in laws . We then set it up outside their place beside a Napoleonic cannon - sent the picture to Steve Ritchie on social media who approved .
It then came back to GrizZ HQ . I didn’t really have space so decided it had to go . It’s a cool game but not a keeper for me. Was in in good condition for an eBay punt iirc - don’t recall having to do much to it.
Yes …My memory is incredible - I bought it on eBay for 1k , from a seller in Poole , luckily my sister in law lives there so she collected , it lived in her van for a few weeks until we rendezvous’d at the in laws . We then set it up outside their place beside a Napoleonic cannon - sent the picture to Steve Ritchie on social media who approved .
It then came back to GrizZ HQ . I didn’t really have space so decided it had to go . It’s a cool game but not a keeper for me. Was in in good condition for an eBay punt iirc - don’t recall having to do much to it.
ok then mr cocky bollo_cks, i have my spreadsheet in front of me:

1) May 2013 i bought a game from you for £625, what game was it?
2) June 2013 you bought my Bram Stoker Dracula, how much did you pay?
3) Whose famous face allegedly adorns the backglass of Congo?
4) Please explain the photo below
ok then mr cocky bollo_cks, i have my spreadsheet in front of me:

1) May 2013 i bought a game from you for £625, what game was it?
2) June 2013 you bought my Bram Stoker Dracula, how much did you pay?
3) Whose famous face allegedly adorns the backglass of Congo?
4) Please explain the photo below
View attachment 256935

1 . Surf n Safari
2. £1300 (maybe £1400)
3. Jeremy Clarkson
4. A Tuesday night with Bad Girls
1 correct
2 £1300 but you gave two answers to try to be clever so I’m marking it wrong. I bought if off Daz @replicas a few months before for £1400, so this is one of a few that I lost money on, you must have blackmailed me about something. Did you see there’s another lovely one up for sale now, delish but the prices have gone up. Probably still worth it though, fabulous game….. marvellous dots, magnificent sound, overall outstanding gameplay. Hitting the ball off the mist magnet is a high point in design.
3 correct
4 Wednesday night so half a point

Score 2.5/4 or 62.5%. Fail (pass mark was 65).

Come on you bastards, who’s got a Rollergames and hardly ever plays it? Sell it to me please!

You boy! What day is this?

It’s the day you sell me your Rollergames
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I wish I could find the photo
Of me and fake Jesus T bagging your roller games at stormys house 😂😂😂
I have it.
I also have the one of my scrotum on your WOZ as revenge.
I posted them here when I rejoined but someone warned me it was an instaban so i chickened out and deleted them
I think Rollergames now go for about 12k as everyone knows Dan has the wealth of a petro-state and pays in hard currency.
Bump, still looking.

No petro-state here but happy to pay market rate and yes I do know what that is so no ****-takers please. I’m rebuilding my colllection, see signature for want list and send me a message. Happy to part exchange for drugs, trafficked minors, “information”, blackmail, sexual favours etc etc


These photos are from Incahuasi, the coolest place I’ve visited in many a blue moon. In the middle of the Bolivian salt flats ( flat and salty for miles and miles around and at an altitude of around 3700m) there is an ‘island’ made almost entirely of coral - so it used to be under the sea many years ago - that itself rises a few hundred metres and is covered all over with a monoculture of cacti (trichocereus pasacani for the nerds) some of which are over 20m tall (at 2cm a year that’s over a thousand year old cactus). I was totally grokking out as it felt so otherworldly and I would not have been surprised to find a portal or an alien being. Sunset there was exquisite. Highly recommended.


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