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RoadShow - unpainted heads, this could be horrifying

My airbrush is still snafu at the moment but if no-one else offers, I could do something! :)
I've got an airbrush and mine's snafu too. Either clogging up with paint mid-use, requiring some labour-intensive clean-out (when I will also inevitably lose a microscopic rubber seal), or, like the last time I got it out in the summer, I instantly dropped it and bent the tip over :tut:
Damned thing!
My airbrush started doing that - which is irritating to say the least. Was an Iwata one too. Not mega expensive but not super cheap. Was cleaning thoroughly after each use too (looking on the internets im wondering if I was maybe going ott stripping it right down after each session).
In any case rather than get another branded one I ended up getting a cheapy one from amazon. Seems to be working OK for now.
Would happily try this if it was my own roadshow - not sure I would trust myself with someone elses though.
(Ive always thought those heads must be 3D printable..would need to scan one in though - not really dabbled much in that area)
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