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Residential Tenants and Maintenance


Site Supporter
Oct 26, 2014
I had 2× mid 20s tenants move out so I was doing a general tidy up. I do my most of my own maintenance and turn up within 24h of any identified problems.

I tested the washer dryer machine by putting 2 medium towels in it for a cycle.

I have never heard such a loud washing machine in my life. It was like a machine gun/ flapping barn door/ back firing car.

On inspection the drum was supported by 3x springs at the top and had 2x oil shock absorbers at the bottom to triangulate/ stabilise it. Both were in this condition, so it was completely undamped and trashing around in every direction. It was vibrating so violently it was actually damaging the floor beneath it.

How do folk carry on like this ?
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My parents rent and put up with all sorts of crap rather than complain to the landlord as they are scared they’ll just get booted out if they bring anything up.
How do folk carry on like this ?
Still works as far as they're concerned.

My parents rent and put up with all sorts of crap rather than complain to the landlord as they are scared they’ll just get booted out if they bring anything up.
Could understand if that is private rented and not through a letting agency. Letting agency, which could the same for private have to give you 2 months to boot you out.

In that situation now. Word on the street from British newsagents is the council tried to buy it, he said no, then they made him do all this work and in turn has had to turf everyone out.
Still works as far as they're concerned.

Could understand if that is private rented and not through a letting agency. Letting agency, which could the same for private have to give you 2 months to boot you out.

In that situation now. Word on the street from British newsagents is the council tried to buy it, he said no, then they made him do all this work and in turn has had to turf everyone out.
Yeah, it’s a private rental.
Problem is that if you are decent landlord and tenants don't tell you about problems (especially involving water/ damp/ extractor fans) you can then get thousands of pounds of avoidable maintenance costs when they leave

The whole system is a complete mess.
I try to tell this to my parents. The landlady (who actually seems really nice) would rather know about the mould and do something about it than face a big bill for more costly repairs.
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